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Skydive Chicago is one of the United S

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Skydive Chicago (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. is one of the United States’ premier skydiving resorts, serving skydivers ranging in skills from first time jumpers to internationally competitive freefly teams. Each student in Skydive Chicago’s training program makes a series of progressive training jumps under the direct supervision of a United State Parachute Association Jumper. The training program gears each jump toward teaching one or two new skills. Jumpmasters video their student’s jumps. Students use the feedback these videos provide to identify mistakes. They often copy their videos onto a personal tape for future reference. Jumpmasters may also copy well-executed student skydives to the facility’s tape library. All students are given access to the drop zone’s training room and are encouraged to watch video clips in preparation for their next training jump. This step saves jumpmasters, who are paid per jump, considerable time. Jumpmasters also use these videos to evaluate their training method’s effectiveness (O’Brien & Marakas, 2011, pp. 39-40).

 In a three- to five-page paper (not including title and reference pages) that is formatted according to APA style, respond to parts a, b, and c, integrating concepts and vocabulary from the readings.


  1. Describe how this information system benefits the skydiving      student.
  2. Describe how this information system benefits Skydive      Chicago.
  3. Create an Information Systems Model similar to Figure      1.19. Be sure to include information about the people, hardware, software,      and other resources specific to this exercise.

Be sure that you prepare your Information Systems Model in a software application or tool that can be integrated fully into your MS Word document and submitted to the instructor. Clearly drawn illustrations that are scanned and submitted in PDF format are acceptable with an MS Word document that explains and supports parts a and b. Be sure to label your files clearly. Your paper must include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources 


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    $ 10.00

    [Solved] Skydive Chicago is one of the United S

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    • Submitted On 10 Sep, 2017 04:42:52
    Answer posted by
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    Skydive Chicago is one of the United S

    Skydive Chicago is one of the United States’ premier skydiving resorts, serving skydivers ranging in skills from first time jumpers to internationally...

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