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Briefly discuss CAPM from the standpoint of investors and managers

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Capital Asset Price Model (CAPM)

Briefly discuss CAPM from the standpoint of investors and managers. Now calculate your firm’s CAPM. It is recommended that you use treasury security as the risk free rate - you pick which one (It would probably be best to use the 5 or 10 year Treasury note). Beta can be either calculated or you can use one from the internet (provide reference). Yahoo finance lists the most current beta under “key statistics.” As for the risk for the market, search the most recent. Usually it is around 5% to 6%. ( step by step solutions of CAPM, how and where you got those number)

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[Solved] Briefly discuss CAPM from the standpoint of investors and managers

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  • Submitted On 11 May, 2017 04:25:41
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