IT283Unit_1_Assignment.docx 1.In a short one half page essay, briefly describe TCP/IP. Wh
- From Economics, General Economics
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IT283Unit_1_Assignment.docx 1.In a short one half page essay, briefly describe TCP/IP. What is it? When was it introduced? Why is it called a suite? What is a Request for Comment (RFC)? Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol or TCP/IP for short is the primary communication language of the internet. It is made up of two layers TCP and IP, TCP is responsible for taking a large sum of data and compiling it into packets. At that point it is sent to another TCP layer and the packets are turned into useful data. The second layer IP is the location of the data being transferred. It allows the data to be transferred and to be received on the other end by the right location. That way you dont do a search for cat memes and then you get results for the closest Army recruiting office (which in my case would be great if I could make that pop up for everyone). The reason TCP/IP is called a suite is because it is made up of multiple layers and protocols. Request for Comment or RFC are used to develop a standard network protocol by the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF for short. 2.Create a table showing the five standards organizations involved with TCP/IP. Include in the table:                    Name                    Brief History                       Responsibilities             Website URL Name Responsibilities Brief History Website URL ISO Creates global standards Created in 1947, there is currently 1 memb
[Solved] IT283Unit_1_Assignment.docx 1.In a short one half page essay, briefly describe TCP/IP. Wh
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- Submitted On 22 Sep, 2022 01:47:11
- Termpaper
- Rating : 3
- Grade : B
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 15269
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- Earned : $2452.10