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The use of website advertising has be

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Website Analysis


The use of website advertising has become a highly effective method of reaching consumers. Why is this the case? The purpose of this assignment is to answer that question and to identify the characteristics of an effective website design by comparing two websites within the same product category. First, pick one of the product categories listed below, and access the websites of two companies that sell the same type of product (go directly to each company’s website rather than visiting Amazon-type websites that sell everything):


·         clothing,


·         health/fitness clubs,


·         cameras or other technology,


·         cosmetics, or


·         recreational/sports equipment.




After selecting two companies that offer the same type of product, write a four-page analysis that identifies the characteristics of an effective website design by comparing the two companies based on each of the following:




·         What type of financial incentives are offered on each company’s website to encourage the consumer to purchase?


·         Do they offer greater convenience and/or added value incentives?


·         Compare the overall effectiveness with respect to influencing the target market to purchase.


·         Compare how these characteristics might be different in reaching the business-to-business (B2B) vs. business-toconsumer (B2C) customer.


·         What other characteristics contribute to the effectiveness of the website’s design?




If you find ineffective characteristics on the two companies’ websites, describe how those issues could be improved to be effective. Your response should be a minimum of four, double-spaced pages (not including the title page and references page). References should include the two websites, the textbook, and one additional, credible source. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

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$ 10.00

[Solved] The use of website advertising has be

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  • Submitted On 10 Mar, 2017 10:40:46
Answer posted by
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