BCPR294 Assignment 1 Semester 1 PART A | Complete Solution
- Guardiantutor
- Rating : 15
- Grade : A+
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 94
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- Earned : $2443.85
Initial Web Site
A small web-based company wants to present a general home page to all who visit their site and also a personalised home page to each registered customer. The customer home page is based on their customer details, which are stored in a database. The customer home page has a link that allows them to order products (one (1) at a time).
•Choose a product that you are interested in.
•Create and populate a database table or tables to hold product details (productCode, productName, description, category, price, image) and details of various customers. Use the ‘cheap and cheerful’ method: i.e. don't build a sophisticated database profile maintenance system, just define three or four useful tables and populate them as easily as possible. Note: Sample data (e.g. real data copied from a website) should be loaded using scripts written in PHP.
•Customer attributes should include:
oThe name and address of the customer
oA login and password
oTheir favourite product category
oThe user’s favourite colour so that the screen is that colour when they log in.
oTwo (2) other features of your choice, with at least one (1) of these requiring something to be displayed from an additional table
•Create at least 12 different products, within three (3) different categories.
•Create four (4) customers, each with different details.
•When a customer logs on to your system, check that they are known to your system, in which case use a PHP script or scripts to display their personalised home page, based on their details held in the database.
•Customers should be able to “self-register” – that is they should be able to enter a login and password and other details and become a valid customer.
oThe company home page should display:
oThe company logo
oBrief details of a product (including a picture), chosen at random
oA link that allows a category to be chosen and the products in that category to be displayed
oA link to login (for registered customers)
oA link to enable someone to register as a customer
oAlso add two other links that would not normally be displayed i.e.
oA link to build the tables and load sample data
oA link to display all tables
When a customer logs in, their home page will display:
oA background colour that is their favourite colour
oA personalised greeting e.g. “Hello Dave”
oA link to a product order form
oPlus the other two features you have added
The product order form will enable the customer to select one product at a time (i.e. one product per order) and enter a quantity for that selected product. When the order form is complete the order will be stored in the database.
Marking Schedule for Part A
Basic functionality
Home Page - Display logo
Home Page - Display a random product
Home Page - Select a category -> display products
Home Page - Login and register links
Home Page - Build database & load data
Home Page - Display all tables
Customer page - Personalised greeting
Customer page - Favourite colour
Customer page - Two other things
Customer page - Order form link
Login functional (including validation)
New customer form: Validation
New customer form: New customer added
Order form: Select product
Order form: Enter quantity
Order form: Product ordered
PHP script coding
Coding is clear, accurate, well laid out, commented, meaningful names
Coding is sufficiently ‘modular’ i.e. uses functions and includes appropriately
Use of dynamic list boxes for input
Documentation and Reflection
Provide an Entity Relationship Diagram/Schema that shows the structure (tables, relationships, attributes, PK/FK) of the underlying database
Write a 400-500-word reflection on the experience of completing this assignment. Comment on each of the following, citing specific examples from your assignment, including relevant code snippets.
Aspects that were difficult to complete and how they were achieved.
Aspects that you would do differently next time and why.
What you have learnt about PHP, SQL, HTML and building dynamic web pages.
Hand-in: Submit via Moodle a ZIP file containing your scripts and documentation.
[Solved] BCPR294 Assignment 1 Semester 1 PART A | Complete Solution
- This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
- Submitted On 22 Jan, 2015 04:34:31
- Guardiantutor
- Rating : 15
- Grade : A+
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 94
- Blog : 1
- Earned : $2443.85
displayed on the browser to serve the needs of the user.
While working on the Apple – iSupport project, I witnessed following key learnings: It works fast and easy to work with. Php is the best combination of power, structure and ease of use. Syntax wise, I found it much easier to learn Php than to learn ASP and JSP. It provides a short development time. I was able to develop the customer order form code very...
BCPR294 Assignment 1 partB | Complete Solution | Rated A+
down the search results and even if it does, it will have lesser option than the earlier search interface. This is because, the visual search interface is meant to be a simple form of search. The results being displayed wi...
BCPR294 Assignment 1 Semester 1 PART A | Complete Solution
displayed on the browser to serve the needs of the user.
While working on the Apple – iSupport project, I witnessed following key learnings: It works fast and easy to work with. Php is the best combination of po...