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EET 280 U4 Assignment 1 | Complete Solution

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Question 1:
As a rule of thumb a line is considered as a transmission line if the length of the line is greater than one-sixteenth of the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. Based on this rule of thumb
a)    Determine the length of the line at which transmission line effects should be considered for the operating frequency of 27 MHz (This frequency region is called Citizen’s Band).
b)    Determine the length of the line at which transmission line effects should be considered for the operating frequency of 300 MHz.

Question 2:
A load impedance given by ZL = 100 - j 100 Ω is connected through a lossless transmission line with characteristic impedance 75 ohms. Determine
a)    The reflection coefficient at the load
b)    The voltage standing wave ratio
c)    The mismatch loss in dB
d)     The return loss in dB
Question 3:
A 75 ohm loss less line is terminated in error with a 93 ohm resistor. A generator sends 100 mW down the line.
a)    What is the SWR in the line?
b)    What is the reflection coefficient?
c)    How much power is dissipated at the load?
d)    What happens to the rest of the power?
Question 4:
a)    Explain why ground-wave propagation is more effective over sea water than dessert terrain.
b)    Why do stations in the AM broadcast band always use vertically polarized antennas?
c)    Why are AM broadcast stations often received at greater distances during the night than during the day?
d)    Why is antenna height much more important for an FM broadcast-band antenna than one designed for an AM broadcast band?
Question 5:
a)    Find the propagation velocity of a radio wave in glass which has a relative permittivity   
b)    Find the characteristic impedance of  glass which has a relative permittivity   

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$ 18.00

[Solved] EET 280 U4 Assignment 1 | Complete Solution

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  • Submitted On 27 Mar, 2016 09:16:21
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Distance=velocity/frequency But velocity is constant that is 10m/s = 10/27*16...
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EET 280 U4 Assignment 1 | Complete Solution

Distance=velocity/frequency But velocity is constant that is 10m/s = 10/27*16= 5.9259 M b) Determine the length of the line at which transmission line effects should be considered for the operating frequency of 300 MHz. Dist...

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