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The Standard Code of Conduct

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Founded in 1975, the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) represents over 300 companies and market research operations in the United States and abroad. CASRO requires members to adhere to the CASRO Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research, a tough, internationally-cited set of standards, which has long been the benchmark for the industry. This Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research sets forth the agreed upon rules of ethical conduct for Survey Research Organizations. Acceptance of this Code is mandatory for all CASRO® Members. The Code has been organized into sections describing the responsibilities of a Survey Research Organization to Respondents, Clients and Outside Contractors and in reporting study results.” Retrieved from 
Read the CASRO Code of Standards and Ethics at: 
Council of American Survey Research Organizations. (2011). Code of standards and ethics for survey research. Retrieved from: 
Write a report on the ethical issues involved in marketing research focusing on three or four of the main issues. Your report should be a maximum of 8 double spaced pages, plus a title page and a reference page. Please follow APA guidelines in your formatting. Use facts from the text book, the CSU library and the Internet to support your recommendations. 


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[Solved] The Standard Code of Conduct

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  • Submitted On 14 Feb, 2016 03:31:51
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