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MGT 505 Assignment 4 Communicati

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MGT 505 Assignment 4 Communication Methods

Assignment 4: Communication Methods 

First, choose five (5) different communication methods listed in Chapter 8 and identify an advantage and a disadvantage for each one. 

Second, for the following four (4) scenarios, decide which method would be most effective and justify your answer. Draft a form of communication for each.  

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that addresses the following scenarios:

•One of your employees is constantly late, leaving food and drinks at the work station, and you are forced to address the situation. 

•You need to let all employees know about a company special event. 

•You hear from a friend that a client is about to sign a contract with one of your present competitors. 

•You have three bids on a piece of equipment and you need to get a management decision on purchasing.  


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[Solved] MGT 505 Assignment 4 Communicati

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  • Submitted On 09 Feb, 2016 09:15:55
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