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Your organs are wonderous things, each one with a different function vital to the homeostasis

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our organs are wonderous things, each one with a different function vital to the homeostasis of your body. While it is easy for us to view a particular organ as a single item, it is in fact comprised of many different types of cells and structures, each one unique and yet each one working together to perform the functions of the organ.

In this Assignment, you will research an individual organ and its complexity. Your APA-formatted essay should include:

A description of the different cell types and any special structures.
An extended discussion focusing on how these different cell types work together to provide the overall function of the organ.
Include why each organ requires different cell types.
Why can’t the organs be comprised of just one cell type?
What is the advantage of having different types of cells?
The organ assigned to you for this essay is listed below and is based on the first letter of your last name:

First Letter of Last Name:


A-D Heart
E-H Lung
I-M Kidney
N-R Spleen
S-V Liver
W-Z Stomach

Your essay should include a cover page, an introduction, the body of the essay addressing the different topics and questions described above, and a summary paragraph. Please remember to reference any statement of fact and to include a reference list in APA at the end of the essay. The essay should be a minimum of 500 words in length not counting the cover page and reference list.
The organ I have is the heart.

Available Answer
$ 15.00

[Solved] Your organs are wonderous things, each one with a different function vital to the homeostasis

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  • Submitted On 24 Dec, 2014 11:06:38
Answer posted by
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When one cell in the heart is not in contact with another, it will tend to have an independent beat. Some cells are faster and other slower in their beating. However, since the cell are group together, after two to three days, an interconnected cells sheets are formed by the myocytes and enhance all the cells to beat in unison (Ballard, 2010). The gap junctions which are pores tends to open between the adjacent touching cells resulting in interconne...

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