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Annoted Bibliography use as a guide only

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The topic I have chosen to write about is why the United States used to be called the “melting pot” and why it is now called the “salad bowl.”  My research paper will explain what these terms mean.  I will explain how both reflect immigration and assimilation practices.  I will also tell you which term I think best describes American culture today.  I hope to make a classic or traditional argument.  I feel this is the best argument for my paper  because the evidence will allow me to convince my  audience of my  contentions in a fashion that not only supports my argument’s major claim, but rebuts all alternative arguments in a way that is both logical and decorous. The following keywords are what I have chosen to start my research with:

1.) Melting Pot– why was this the nickname of the United States?

2.) Salad Bowl– why is the United States called this now?

3.) Assimilation- what is this practice?

4.) American Culture what is it?

5.) Immigration- reflecting on the practices.

America has such a diverse population.  Because the American West is also, perhaps a state of mind, Immigrant populations within the United States are not being blended together in one “pot”, but rather they are transforming American Society into a truly multicultural mosaic,diverse population. 


My bibliography must be 500 to 700 words formatted to APA style.  To fufill the research component I must conduct several searches and select at least 5 scholarly peer reviewed sources that support the topics and arguments I plan to present in my final research paper.  My annotations should contain a paraphrased summary, in my words, of the information presented in the article.  My analysis of the best use of this information in my paper.  An indentifaction of the topics sentence the information will support. 

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