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Which is the recommended next step after a defibrillation attempt? - ANSWERResume CPR, starting with chest compressions Which of the following signs is a likely indicator of cardiac arrest in an unresponsive pt? - ANSWER-Agonal gasps You are evaluating a 58YO man with chest discomfort. His BP is 92/50 mmHG, his HR is 92/min, his nonlabored RR is 14/min, and his pulse ox is 97%. Which assessment step is most important now? - ANSWER-Obtaining a 12-lead ECG During post-cardiac arrest care, which is the recommended duration of targeted temperature management after reaching the correct temperature range? - ANSWER-At least 24 hours Your rescue team arrives to find a 59YO man lying on the kitchen floor. You determine that he is unresponsive. What is the next step in your assessment and management of this pt? - ANSWER-Check the pt's breathing and pulse (SET) A 45YO man had coronary stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and is reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. Pale, diaphoretic, cool to touch, weak radial pulse, BP 64/40 mmHg, RR 28/min, 89% RA. VTach changed to VFib. On the basis of this pt's initial presentation, which condition do you suspect led to the cardiac arrest? - ANSWER-Acute Coronary Syndrome (SET) A 45YO man had coronary stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and is reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. Pale, diaphoretic, cool to touch, weak radial pulse, BP 64/40 mmHg, RR 28/min, 89% RA. VTach changed to VFib. Which of these tests should be performed for a pt with suspected stroke as early as possible but no more than 20 min after hospital arrival? - ANSWERNoncontrast CT scan of head Which best describes this rhythm? - ANSWER-Monomorphic Vent Tach Which is an acceptable method of selecting an appropriately sized oropharyngeal airway? - ANSWER-Measure from the corner of the mouth to the angle of mandible You are caring for a pt with a suspected stroke whose symptoms started 2 hours ago. The CT scan was normal, with no signs of hemorrhage. The pt does not have any contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy. Which treatment is best for this pt? - ANSWER-Give fibrinolytic therapy as soon as possible and consider endovascular therapy In addition to defibrillation, which intervention should be performed immediately? - ANSWER-Chest compressions (SET) A 45YO man had coronary stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and is reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. Pale, diaphoretic, cool to touch, weak radial pulse, BP 64/40 mmHg, RR 28/min, 89% RA. VTach changed to VFib. Despite 2 defib attempts, the pt remains in VFib. Which drug and dose should you administer FIRST to this pt? - ANSWER-Epi 1mg (SET) A 45YO man had coronary stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and is reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. Pale, diaphoretic, cool to touch, weak radial pulse, BP 64/40 mmHg, RR 28/min, 89% RA. VTach changed to VFib. Despite the drug provided above and continued CPR, the pt remains in VFib. Which other drug should be administered NEXT? - ANSWER-Lido 1 to 1.5mg/kg (SET) A 45YO man had coronary stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and is reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. Pale, diaphoretic, cool to touch, weak radial pulse, BP 64/40 mmHg, RR 28/min, 89% RA. VTach changed to VFib. The pt has ROSC and is not able to follow commands. Which immediate postcardiac arrest care intervention do you choose for this pt? - ANSWER-Initiate targeted temperature management

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  • Submitted On 20 Mar, 2024 08:35:29
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ACLS EXAM 1 WITH VERIFIED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Which is the recommended next step after a defibrillation attempt? - ANSWERResume CPR, starting with chest compressions Which of the following signs is a likely indicator of cardiac arrest in an unresponsive pt? - ANSWER-Agonal gasps You are evaluating a 58YO man with chest discomfort. His BP is 92/50 mmHG, his HR is 92/min, his nonlabored RR is 14/min, and his pulse ox is 97%. Which assessment step is most important now? - ANSWER-Obtaining a 12-lead ECG During post-cardiac arrest care, which is the recommended duration of targeted temperature management after reaching the correct temperature range? - ANSWER-At least 24 hours Your rescue team arrives to find a 59YO man lying on the kitchen floor. You determine that he is unresponsive. What is the next step in your assessment and management of this pt? - ANSWER-Check the pt's breathin...
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