- From Health Care, Nursing
- Emmaculate
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ATI TEAS WITH CORRECT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS airway consists of -correct answernose nasal cavity mouth pharynx larynx trachea bronchi bronchial network Upper respiratory tract consists of - correct answernose nasal cavity mouth pharynx larynx lower respiratory tract consists of - correct answertrachea lungs bronchial tree what is the function of alveoli? - correct answerallows for exchange of gas the right lung has how many lobes? - correct answer3 left lung has how many lobes? - correct answer2 what is the function of pleural membrane? -correct answerreduces friction when you breath what are the respiratory muscles? - correct answerdiaphragm intercostal muscles what are the functions of respiratory system? -correct answer- supply O2 through body - get rid of CO2 - filters air - speech - smell (think chemoreceptors) - helps maintain homeostasis Hyper or Hypoventilation: increases blood pH (acidosis) - correct answerHyperventilation Hyper or Hypoventilation: decreases blood pH (alkalosis) - correct answerHypoventilation Inhalation or Exhalation? - diaphragm contracts, moves down, increasing chest cavity, pressure decreases - outside air is under more pressure than air inside lungs - correct answerinhalation Inhalation of exhalation? - diaphragm/intercostals relax, chest cavity decreases - controlled by medulla oblongata - correct answerexhalation _________________________________ monitors the level of CO2 in blood, signals breathing rate when levels are too high - correct answermedulla oblongata circulatory system consists of what 3 major parts? - correct answer- blood - blood vessels - heart ___________, this system cleans up excess fluids and proteins, returning them to circulatory system - correct answerlymph vascular system name the walls of blood vessels: - correct answertunica intima tunica media tunica adventitia function of blood: - correct answer-helps maintain internal environment by carrying raw materials - removes waste - helps stabilize pH - hold 5qts of blood blood is composed of: - correct answerRBC WBC platelets plasma function of red blood cells: - correct answertransports o2 to cells how long can RBC live up to? - correct answer4 months where does RBC form? - correct answerin bone marrow function of WBC: - correct answerdefend against infection removes wastes forms platelets for coagulation name 5 types of WBC -correct answerN.E.M.B.L neutrophils eosinophils monocytes basophils lymphocytes heart is made of what tissue? - correct answercardiac muscle tissue this tissue is "self-exciting" - correct answercardiac muscle tissue what separates the atrium from ventricle? - correct answeratrioventricular valve ___________________ prevent backflow - correct answervalves the heart has how many chambers? - correct answer4 what is the function of the sinoatrial node "cardiac pacemaker"? - correct answer- generates electrical signals through purkinje fibers, stimulating contraction to fill R ventricle with blood - SA node transmits signal to right ventricle through AV valve (tricuspid) - R ventricle contracts - AV valve closes, pulmonary semilunar valve opens - blood pumped out of arteries to lungs - blood from lungs fills left atrium - mitral valve (bicuspid) opens, blood fills ventricle - mitral valve closes and aortic semilunar valve opens - left ventricle contracts, blood is pumped out of aorta and to rest of body circulation: blood to heart - correct answercoronary circulation: blood between heart and lungs - correct answerpulmonary circulation: blood to entire body - correct answersystemic circulation: flow of blood from digestive system to liver, then heart - correct answerportal circulation: flow of blood between heart and kidneys - correct answerrenal Name all the types of circulation systems: - correct answercoronary pulmonary systemic portal renal arteries or arterioles: where adjustments are made in blood delivery - correct answerarterioles What are capillary beds? - correct answerdiffusion sites for exchanges between blood and interstitial fluid capillary, artery or vein? thinnest wall of any blood vessel - correct answercapillary bed capillary beds merge into _________________ then _______________ - correct answervenuoles, veins artery or vein: transports blood from body tissues back to the heart -correct answerveins what is the function of lymphatic system? - correct answer- to return excess tissue fluid to the blood stream - return of protein from capillaries - transport of fats from digestive tract Lymph vascular system consists of: lymph _________ lymph _______ lymph __________ - correct answerlymph capillaries lymph ducts lymph vessels Lymphoid organs consist of: - correct answer- lymph nodes - spleen - appendix - adenoids - thymus - tonsils
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- Submitted On 29 Feb, 2024 02:27:44
- Emmaculate
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