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BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University

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BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University

BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University Question 1 of 40 2.5 Points The reduction of NADP+ → NADPH occurs because there are  A. electron s from water and energy from ATP  B. electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from ATP  C. electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight  D. electrons from water and energy from sunlight Feedback: Learning Objective: Describe how and where photosynthesis takes place within a plant Question 2 of 40 664306 Exam 2-Chapters 2.5 Points A cell’s entire amount of hereditary information is the  A. nucleoid  B. nucleus  C. genome  D. DNA Feedback: Learning Objective: Describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes Question 3 of 40 2.5 Points If rubisco does not function properly, what process would be affected?  A. ability to split water  B. ability to reduce NADP+  C. ability to absorb photons  D. ability to fix carbon Feedback: Correct Question 4 of 40 2.5 Points A newly-discovered butterfly species has a chromosome number of n=7. Match the total number of chromosomes in each type of cell. A. 14 B. 7 1. Zygote 2. Daughter cell after telophase II Feedback: The gamete is haploid (7), the zygote is the diploid embryo (14), somatic cells are diploid (14) and after telophase II the daughter cells are haploid (7). Question 5 of 40 2.5 Points ____________ membranes can be found in a chloroplasts.  A. 1  A B B. 2  C. 3  D. 4 Feedback: Correct Question 6 of 40 2.5 Points In the Calvin Cycle, carbon from carbon dioxide is fixed to what molecule first?  A. glucose  B. pyruvate  C. 3-PGA  D. G3P  E. RuBP Feedback: Learning Objective: Define carbon fixation Question 7 of 40 2.5 Points Some cell processes are influenced by multiple signaling pathways that converge on the same molecular targets. Does this provide a selective advantage to the organism?  A. No. The possibility of getting “mixed signals” creates confusion for the cell.  B. Somewhat. The organism saves energy by not having to synthesize the components for independent pathways, but it runs the risk of having the cell make a mistake in its response to input.  C. It is neutral. There are just a few ways a cell can respond to input anyway, so pathways often have to overlap.  D. Yes. This can enhance the “intelligence” of the cell, by allowing it to integrate information, and respond to certain inputs based on context. Feedback: Learning Objective: Analyze intercellular and intracellular communication Question 8 of 40 2.5 Points In gluconeogenesis, organisms use ATP to make glucose, then in cellular respiration they break down the glucose again to get energy. Why not just store the ATP? (Select all that apply.) A. ATP does not have high-energy bonds. B. ATP is not energy dense enough. C. ATP only has energy after it is activated by glucose. D. ATP only has energy when it is attached to glucose. E. ATP is not stable enough. F. ATP without a cofactor forms crystalline structures. G. Using glucose directly to power enzymes is more efficient. Feedback: Learning Objective: Analyze the reactions of cellular respiration in terms of net energy input and output using critical thinking skills. Question 9 of 40 2.5 Points What is the flow of energy in order from source to end?  A. human→sun→grass→cow  B. cow→human→grass→sun  C. sun→grass→cow→human  D. plant→sun→human→cow Feedback: Learning Objective: Explain the relevance of photosynthesis to other living things Question 10 of 40 2.5 Points What is not a good biological oxidizing agent?  A. Fe3+  B. O2  C. NAD+  D. FAD Feedback: Correct Question 11 of 40 2.5 Points To efficiently provide the ideal amount of nitrogen fertilizer, some farmers make use of a “chlorophyll meter” that measures the amount of green light reflected off a leaf. Why does this provide an indication of whether the plant may need more or less nitrogen? . . . . . . .. . . . .

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$ 25.50

[Solved] BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University

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  • Submitted On 16 Dec, 2023 02:04:23
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BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University Question 1 of 40 2.5 Points The reduction of NADP+ → NADPH occurs because there are  A. electron s from water and energy from ATP  B. electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from ATP  C. electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight  D. electrons from water and energy from sunlight Feedback: Learning Objective: Describe how and where photosynthesis takes place within a plant Question 2 of 40 664306 Exam 2-Chapters 2.5 Points A cell’s entire amount of hereditary information is the  A. nucleoid  B. nucleus  C. genome  D. DNA Feedback: Learning Objective: Describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes Question 3 of 40 2.5 Points If rubisco does not function properly, what process would be affected?  A. ability to split water  B. ability to reduce NADP+  C. ability to absorb photons  D. ability to fix carbon Feedback: Correct Question 4 of 40 2.5 Points A newly-discovered butte...
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BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University

BIOL133 Exam 2 CH7-11 American Public University Question 1 of 40 2.5 Points The reduction of NADP+ → NADPH occurs because there are  A. electron s from water and energy from ATP  B. electrons from carbon dioxide and ...

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