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COMPUTER C 123 AZ-104-RENEWAL-EXAM-Q-A study guide 2023 latest

  • Course
  • COMPUTER C 123
  • Institution
  • Craven Community College

Assessment You have an Azure subscription that includes the following web apps: WebApp1, which runs code in a Windows operating system. WebApp2, which runs code in a Linux operating system. WebApp3, which runs in a Docker container on Windows. WebApp4, which runs in a Docker container on Linux. From which web apps can you use WebJobs? Select only one answer. WebApp1 only WebApp1 and WebApp2 only WebApp1 and Web3 only WebApp1, WebApp2, WebApp3 and WebApp4 You have an Azure subscription that includes a virtual network named VNet1. You plan to create a web app named WebApp1 and deploy it to VNet1. You need to prepare the environment for the planned web app. The solution must minimize costs. Which app service plan size should you use? Select only one answer. Dev / Test F1 Dev / Test B1 Production P1V2 Production P3V3 Isolated I1V2 You plan to deploy an Azure web app that will have the following settings:  Name: WebApp1  Publish: Code  Runtime stack: Java 11  Operating system: Linux  Continuous deployment: Disable You need to ensure that you can integrate WebApp1 with GitHub Actions. Which setting should you modify? Select only one answer. Publish Runtime stack Operating system Continuous deployment You have an Azure contain

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  • Submitted On 26 Nov, 2023 03:40:04
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COMPUTER C 123 AZ-104-RENEWAL-EXAM-Q-A study guide 2023 latest Course COMPUTER C 123 Institution Craven Community College Assessment You have an Azure subscription that includes the following web apps: WebApp1, which runs code in a Windows operating system. WebApp2, which runs code in a Linux operating system. WebApp3, which runs in a Doc...
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