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EMT Module 6 (Complete 100 Questions and Answers) Verified Answers

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EMT Module 6

An 89-year-old female is short of breath and has a fever. Her SpO2 is low, and she has crackles and coarse breath sounds to both lungs. When getting the patient's history from her family caregivers, which statement would make you suspicious that the patient has aspirated something?


a. "She has not been feeling well for three days."

b. "Her legs and ankles seem more swollen today."

c. "She was fine until just after eating lunch."

d. "Her doctor prescribed an antibiotic for her sinus infection." [Ans: - c.


Dementia is typically observed as:


a. Altered mental status rooted in a psychiatric disorder

b. A chronic condition with a sudden onset

c. Altered mental status with a reversible underlying cause

d. A chronic and irreversible condition [Ans: - d.


The EMT would recognize potential geriatric neglect when the patient makes which statement?


a. "They wake me up every 6 hours at night to see if I am incontinent."

b. "They do not give me my high blood pressure medications daily as I think they are supposed to."

c. "They are rough with me when I wet myself and need my bedding changed."

d. "They are spending all my money on illegal drugs." [Ans: - b.


When an elderly individual is injured, deterioration of compensatory mechanisms in the patient can result in:


a. Resistant hypertension

b. A rapid onset of shock

c. Agitation

d. Chronic depression [Ans: - b.


You have been called for a conscious and alert 83-year-old male complaining of a fever for three days. He has a history of peripheral vascular disease. When assessing the patient's circulation, you have a difficult time feeling his radial pulse. What would your next action be?


a. Apply supplemental oxygen

b. Locate the patient's carotid pulse

c. Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation

d. Check the patient's blood pressure [Ans: - b.


When suctioning a 46-year-old male with a tracheostomy tube, which procedural step is appropriate?


a. Introduce the suction catheter into the tracheostomy tube by first inserting it into the mouth or nose and then threading it lower

b. Introduce 20 mL of sterile water into the tracheostomy tube prior to suctioning

c. Suction no more than 5 seconds using a hard-tipped suction

d. Insert the soft suction cannula until mild resistance is met and then initiate suction [Ans: - d.


A confused patient with a tracheostomy tube is breathing shallowly at 8 times per minute. The family states they accidentally overdosed him on some of his medications when two different family members were caring for him at two different times today. The patient is nonverbal because of the tracheostomy and has an SpO2 of 81% on room air. What would your immediate action be?


a. Use the bag-valve device with a pediatric mask and ventilate by sealing it over the tube

b. Deflate the cuff on the tracheostomy tube and begin positive pressure ventilation

c. Attach a bag-valve device to the tracheostomy tube and initiate ventilations

d. Place a tracheostomy mask over the tube and administer high-concentration oxygen [Ans: - c.

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$ 10.00

[Solved] EMT Module 6 (Complete 100 Questions and Answers) Verified Answers

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  • Submitted On 02 Oct, 2023 02:39:58
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
EMT Module 6 An 89-year-old female is short of breath and has a fever. Her SpO2 is low, and she has crackles and coarse breath sounds to both lungs. When getting the patient's history from her family caregivers, which statement would make you suspicious that the patient has aspirated something? a. "She has not been feeling well for three days." b. "Her legs and ankles seem more swollen today." c. "She was fine until just after eating lunch." d. "Her doctor prescribed an antibiotic for her sinus infection." [Ans: - c. Dementia is typically observed as: a. Altered mental status rooted in a psychiatric disorder b. A chronic condition with a sudden onset c. Altered mental status with a reversible underlying cause d. A chronic and irreversible condit...
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