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Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 9th edition by Videbeck Test Bank


Chapter 1

1.    The nurse is assessing the factors contributing to the well-being of a newly admitted client. Which of the following would the nurse identify as having a positive impact on the individual's mental health?

A)           Not needing others for companionship

B)           The ability to effectively manage stress

C)           A family history of mental illness

D)           Striving for total self-reliance ANS: B


Individual factors influencing mental health include biologic makeup, autonomy, independence, self-esteem, capacity for growth, vitality, ability to find meaning in life, emotional resilience or hardiness, sense of belonging, reality orientation, and coping or stress management abilities. Interpersonal factors such as intimacy and a balance of separateness and connectedness are both needed for good mental health, and therefore a healthy person would need others for companionship. A family history of mental illness could relate to the biologic makeup of an individual, which may have a negative impact on an individual's mental health, as well as a negative impact on an individual's interpersonal and socialñcultural factors of health. Total self-reliance is not possible, and a positive social/cultural factor is access to adequate resources.



2.    Which of the following statements about mental illness are true? Select all that apply.

A)           Mental illness can cause significant distress, impaired functioning, or both.

B)           Mental illness is only due to social/cultural factors.

C)           Social/cultural factors that relate to mental illness include excessive dependency on or withdrawal from relationships.

D)           Individuals suffering from mental illness are usually able to cope effectively with daily life.

E)           Individuals suffering from mental illness may experience dissatisfaction with relationships and self.

ANS: A, D, E


Mental illness can cause significant distress, impaired functioning, or both. Mental illness may be related to individual, interpersonal, or social/cultural factors. Excessive dependency on or withdrawal from relationships are interpersonal factors that relate to mental illness. Individuals suffering from mental illness can feel overwhelmed with daily life. Individuals suffering from mental illness may experience dissatisfaction with relationships and self.


3.    Which of the following are true regarding mental health and mental illness?

A)           Behavior that may be viewed as acceptable in one culture is always unacceptable in other cultures.

B)            It is easy to determine if a person is mentally healthy or mentally ill.

C)            In most cases, mental health is a state of emotional, psychological, and social wellness evidenced by satisfying interpersonal relationships, effective behavior and coping, positive self-concept, and emotional stability.

D)           Persons who engage in fantasies are mentally ill. ANS: C


What one society may view as acceptable and appropriate behavior, another society may see that as maladaptive, and inappropriate. Mental health and mental illness are difficult to define precisely. In most cases, mental health is a state of emotional, psychological, and social wellness evidenced by satisfying interpersonal relationships, effective behavior and coping, positive self-concept, and emotional stability. Persons who engage in fantasies may be mentally healthy, but the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy is an individual factor that may contribute to mental illness.



4.    A client grieving the recent loss of her husband asks if she is becoming mentally ill because she is so sad. The nurse's best response would be,

A)           ìYou may have a temporary mental illness because you are experiencing so much pain.î

B)            ìYou are not mentally ill. This is an expected reaction to the loss you have experienced.î

C)            ìWere you generally dissatisfied with your relationship before your husband's death?î

D)           ìTry not to worry about that right now. You never know what the future brings.î ANS: B


Mental illness includes general dissatisfaction with self, ineffective relationships, ineffective coping, and lack of personal growth. Additionally the behavior must not be culturally expected. Acute grief reactions are expected and therefore not considered mental illness. False reassurance or overanalysis does not accurately address the

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  • Submitted On 26 Sep, 2023 03:21:50
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 9th edition by Videbeck Test Bank Chapter 1 1. The nurse is assessing the factors contributing to the well-being of a newly admitted client. Which of the following would the nurse identify as having a positive impact on the individual's mental health? A) Not needing others for companionship B) The ability to effectively manage stress C) A family history of mental illness D) Striving for total self-reliance ANS: B Feedback: Individual factors influencing mental health include biologic makeup, autonomy, independence, self-esteem, capacity for growth, vitality, ability to find meaning in life, emotional resilience or hardiness, sense of belonging, reality orientation, and coping or stress management abilities. Interpersonal factors such as intimacy and a balance of separateness and connectedness are both needed for good mental health, and therefore a healthy person would need others for companionship. A family history of mental illness could relate to the biologic makeup of an individual, which may have a negative impact on an individual's menta...
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