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Cultural Humility in Advocacy and Service

Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Submit a 1- to 2-page critical reflection in which you describe how you envision yourself working with and advocating for diverse populations using cultural humility. Be specific. Please include: The external barriers to continuing to develop your cultural humility (e.g., institutional policies or procedures, funding, language differences, skeptical attitudes from others concerning your motives) and how you might address them. The internal/personal barriers to continuing to develop your cultural humility (e.g., fear, lack of confidence, time pressures) and how you might address them. Please make liberal use of the Learning Resources to enrich your reflection. Note: When formulating your plans for continued development, consider that the history of dominant/nondominant interactions is full of examples where dominant group members seek firsthand contact and information from nondominant members, only to use that information to co-opt and/or exploit them. This being the case, please do not assume that your presence will be automatically welcomed within nondominant circles

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$ 10.00

[Solved] Cultural Humility in Advocacy and Service

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  • Submitted On 20 Aug, 2023 04:11:42
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Submit a 1- to 2-page critical reflection in which you describe how you envision yourself working with and advocating for diverse populations using cultural humility. Be specific. Please include: The external barriers to continuing to develop your cultural humility (e.g., institution...
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Cultural Humility in Advocacy and Service

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