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TEAS 7 Reading Exam Questions with Answers 3.

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TEAS 7 Reading Questions with Answers (LATEST) Don’t Look Back Now is the story of Keisha (Joy Taylor), a woman who has moved across country to escape her creepy ex-boyfriend stalker, Tom (Kevin Highsmith). However, mysterious things keep happening to the people in Keisha’s life, and the authorities don’t believe her. But there’s one thing nobody knows – she’s got a secret that will make anyone coming to harm her regret it – especially Tom. This thriller is an exciting roller coaster ride that constantly keeps the audience guessing. Director Juliette Cho knows exactly how to manipulate the camera to capture every shadow and peripheral movement, keeping the viewer on edge. The close-up shots feel claustrophobic, like the perspective is skewed. For any other movie this might be annoying, but for this one, it helps put the viewer in Keisha’s suspicious shoes very well. With a running time of 98 minutes, the pacing is quick and efficient, and Cho uses cinematography deftly to show the quick and jerky passage of time from Keisha’s perspective. The performances are rock solid all the way through. Joy Taylor is brittle and violent, simmering below the surface with rage. You can see the toll this stalking experience has had on her in every twitch of her eye and clench of her jaw. The strength she displays once the film shifts into the darker, triumphant second act is a wonder to behold. Kevin Highsmith gives off just the right vibe of charming and sinister as Tom, effortlessly shifting his entire performance between sweet and suddenly dangerous. This is a tense thrill rise that will not disappoint fans of Joy Taylor orr this genre in general. You can find Don’t Look Back Now at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace 20 starting Friday. 1. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the second paragraph of the passage? a. The film takes place mostly in the dark, which makes lighting and camera angles very important. b. The direction and cinematography are the key elements to creating the film’s tense, suspenseful tone. c. Close-up shots are an important way to showcase a character’s state of mind. d. Joy Taylor’s performance helps the audience feel more sympathetic toward her character, Keisha. 2. Which of the following conclusions could a reader make from this passage? a. Tom is able to protect Keisha from her stalker. b. There is a big twist in the second half of the movie. c. The film has a sad ending. d. Juliette Cho is a first-time director. 3. Which of the following information from the passage contains an opinion? a. Starting Friday, the movie will be showing at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace 20. b. The plot of the movie is about a woman who has moved across country to escape her boyfriend. c. Juliette Cho’s close-up shots make the viewer feel claustrophobic and frightened. d. The movie, starring Joy Taylor and Kevin Highsmith, lasts a little longer than an hour and a half. 4. Which of the following sentences from the passage includes a fact?

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$ 15.00

[Solved] TEAS 7 Reading Exam Questions with Answers 3.

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  • Submitted On 02 Jul, 2023 03:18:41
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
TEAS 7 Reading Questions with Answers (LATEST) Don’t Look Back Now is the story of Keisha (Joy Taylor), a woman who has moved across country to escape her creepy ex-boyfriend stalker, Tom (Kevin Highsmith). However, mysterious things keep happening to the people in Keisha’s life, and the authorities don’t believe her. But there’s one thing nobody knows – she’s got a secret that will make anyone coming to harm her regret it – especially Tom. This thriller is an exciting roller coaster ride that constantly keeps the audience guessing. Director Juliette Cho knows exactly how to manipulate the camera to capture every shadow and peripheral movement, keeping the viewer on edge. The close-up shots feel claustrophobic, like the perspective is skewed...
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TEAS 7 Reading Questions with Answers (LATEST)

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