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Fundamentals of nursing study questions NUR 160 Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing

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Fundamentals of nursing study questions NUR 160 Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Potter et al.: Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The nursing instructor is teaching a class on nursing theory. One of the students asks, “Why do we need to know this stuff? It doesn’t really affect patients.” What is the instructor’s bestresponse? a. “You are correct, but we have to learn it anyway.” b. “This keeps the focus of nursing narrow.” c. “Theories help explain why nurses do what they do.” d. “Exposure to theories will help you later in graduate school.” ANS: C Theories offer well-grounded rationales for how and why nurses perform specific interventions and for predicting and/or prescribing nursing care measures. Although nursing theory will help the nurse in graduate school, it is also an important basis for the nurse’s approach to daily patient care, and it expands scientific knowledge of the profession. DIF:Apply (application)REF:41 OBJ: Explain the influence of nursing theory on a nurse’s approach to practice. TOP:ImplementationMSC:Management of Care 2. The nurse is caring for a patient who does not follow the prescribed regimen for diabetes management. As a prescriber to Orem’s theory, the nurse interviews the patient in an attempt to identify the cause of the patient’s “noncompliance.” What is the rationale for the nurse’s behavior? a. Orem’s theory is useful in designing interventions to promote self-care. b. Orem’s theory focuses on cultural issues that may affect compliance. c. Orem’s theory allows for reduction of anxiety with communication. d. Orem’s theory helps nurses manipulate the patient’s environment. - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material ANS: A When applying Orem’s theory, a nurse continually assesses a patient’s ability to perform self-care and intervenes as needed to ensure that the patients meet physical, psychological, sociological, and developmental needs. According to Orem, people who participate in self-care activities are more likely to improve their health outcomes. Leiniger’s culture care theory focuses on culture diversity and provides culturally specific nursing care. According to Peplau, nurses help patients reduce anxiety by converting it into constructive actions, using therapeutic communication. Nightingale’s grand theory is a patient’s environment can be manipulated by nurses to restore a patient to health. DIF:Apply (application)REF:47-48 OBJ: Explain the influence of nursing theory on a nurse’s approach to practice. TOP:EvaluationMSC:Management of Care 3. A nurse is testing meditation for migraine headaches and the expected outcome of care when performing this intervention. Which type of theory is the nurse using? a. Grand b. Prescriptive c. Descriptive d. Middle-range ANS: B A prescriptive theory details nursing interventions (meditation) for a specific phenomenon (migraine headaches) and the expected outcome of the care. Grand theories are broad in scope and complex and require further specification through research; it does not provide guidance for specific nursing interventions. Descriptive theories do not direct specific nursing activities but help to explain patient assessment. A middle-range theory tends to focus on a concept found in a specific field of nursing, such as uncertainty, incontinence, social support, quality of life, and caring, rather than reflect on a wide variety of nursing care situations. DIF:Apply (application)REF:44 OBJ:Describe types of nursing theories.TOP:Implementation MSC:Management of Care 4. The nurse researcher is evaluating whether holding pressure at an injection site after injecting the anticoagulant enoxaparin will reduce bruising at the injection site. This study involves a prescriptive theory. What is the nurse’s rationale for involving a prescriptive theory? a. It explains why bruising occurs. b. It is broad in scope and complex

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[Solved] Fundamentals of nursing study questions NUR 160 Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing

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  • Submitted On 16 Jun, 2023 05:24:06
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Fundamentals of nursing study questions NUR 160 Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Potter et al.: Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The nursing instructor is teaching a class on nursing theory. One of the students asks, “Why do we need to know this stuff? It doesn’t really affect patients.” What is the instructor’s bestresponse? a. “You are correct, but we have to learn it anyway.” b. “This keeps the focus of nursing narrow.” c. “Theories help explain why nurses do what they do.” d. “Exposure to theories will help you later in graduate school.” ANS: C Theories offer well-grounded rationales for how and why nurses perform specific interventions and for predicting and/or prescribing nursing care measures. Although nursing theory will help the nurse in graduate school, it is also an important basis for the nurse’s approach to daily patient care, and it expands scientific knowledge of the pr...
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