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How are the fundamental economic decisions determined in Cuba

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Online Tutor Profile

4)    How are the fundamental economic decisions determined in Cuba?


a.   Primarily, the government decides because Cuba is a centrally planned economy.

b.     These decisions are made by the country’s elders who have had much experi- ence in answering these questions.

c.    Individuals, firms, and the government interact in a market to make these economic decisions.

d.     The United Nations decides because Cuba is a developing economy.



5)            Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between economic efficiency and economic equity?


a.   They are both automatically achieved in a free market economy. b.          There is no conflict between the two goals.

c.    There is often a trade-off between the two. d.      They always call for opposite outcomes.



Final Examination







6)    Which of the following statements best characterizes the disagreements be- tween Paul Samuelson and Jagdish Bhagwati in their debate about outsourc- ing?


a.   Their disagreements are grounded in normative economic analysis. They dis- agree over how to interpret the relevant economic statistics.

b.     Their disagreements are grounded in positive economic analysis. They dis- agree about the relevant economic statistics used in the model.

c.    Their disagreements are grounded in normative economic analysis. They dis- agree over the types of jobs lost to outsourcing.

d.     Their disagreements are grounded in positive economic analysis. They dis- agree about the model and the assumptions used in the model.

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[Solved] How are the fundamental economic decisions determined in Cuba

  • This Solution has been Purchased 2 time
  • Average Rating for this solution is A+
  • Submitted On 20 Jul, 2015 04:27:09
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
4) How are the fundamental economic decisions determined in Cuba? a. Primarily, the government decides because Cuba is a centrally planned economy. b. These decisions are made by the country’s elders who have had much experi- ence in answering these questions. c. Individuals, firms, and the government interact in a market to make these economic decisions. d. The U...
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