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IT & Corporate transformation course assignment | Scored 100%

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IT & Corporate transformation course assignment:

1. List and explain all the business opportunities or the business values that are created by the network economy.

2. How do human capital, structural capital, and customer capital differ? Please analyse each and provide supporting facts.

3. What sorts of governance practices might managers of virtual organizations find useful, according to Markus et al.?

4. General thoughts Question: What are some of the ways IT can help improve global markets? Required one page analysis with supporting facts.

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[Solved] IT & Corporate transformation course assignment | Scored 100%

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  • Submitted On 22 Dec, 2014 06:53:40
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The network economy has been continuously emerging the economic order in the information society. This branch of economy comes from major attributes; where products and services are created and has added value through various available social networks which operating on global scales. This is being c...

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IT & Corporate transformation course assignment | Scored 100%

The network economy has been continuously emerging the economic order in the information society. This branch of economy comes from major attributes; where products and services are created and has added value through vari...

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