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Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023

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Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023


Which of the following is the best definition of data?

A. Data is a quantifiable dimension of a behavior.

B. Data is a number assigned to the display of a behavior.

C. Data is a qualitative dimension of a behavior.

D. Data is any dimension of a behavior.

{{Answer:- A. Data is a quantifiable dimension of a behavior.


Continuous data recording Involves:

A. Recording most instances of a behavior.

B. Recording some instances of a behavior.

C. Recording all behaviors that occur in a classroom setting.

D. Recording all instances of a behavior.

{{Answer:- D. Recording all instances of a behavior.


Event recording is:

A. The same thing as anecdotal recording.

B. The same thing as frequency recording.

C. Only used when a behavior is unclear.

D. Used for determining how long a behavior lasts.

{{Answer:- B. The same thing as frequency recording.


Duration and latency recording both involve:

A. Frequency.

B. Time.

C. Undesirable behavior.

D. Rate. {{Answer:- B. Time.


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[Solved] Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023

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  • Submitted On 27 Mar, 2023 05:29:25
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Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023 Which of the following is the best definition of data? A. Data is a quantifiable dimension of a behavior. B. Data is a number assigned to the display of a behavior. C. Data is a quali...
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Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023

Relias-Data Collection, Behaviors, and Decisions (Solved 100%) complete Test 2023 Which of the following is the best definition of data? A. Data is a quantifiable dimension of a behavior. B. Data is a number assigned to ...

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