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Choose an already existing creative response to a media/pop culture text.

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Online Tutor Profile



Choose an already existing creative response to a media/pop culture text. These might include ‘professional’ responses, such as spoofs or parodies.  It should be a  

fan responses, such as fanfiction, fan videos, fan art ( choose only one)

The key is that whatever existing creative response you choose should be critiquing/making commentary/responding to one of the dominant/hegemonic – think of male gaze



 Write a 3-page academic paper that makes an argument for how your chosen example

creatively responds to one media/pop culture text and resists a hegemonic



a. A title 

b. An introductory paragraph that identifies the creative response you’re analyzing

and includes a thesis statement communicating your main argument (your

the thesis should make a connection between the text you’ve chosen and the dominant

the ideology it is responding to).



Use the following references to critically answer the following question


1.     King, Claire Sisco. “The Male Gaze in Visual Culture”. The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Communication. Routledge. 2020. Pp. 120-128.


2.     Ponterotto, Diane. “Resisting the Male Gaze: Feminist Responses

to the ‘Normatization’ of the Female Body in Western Culture.”

Journal of International Women’s Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan.

2016, pp. 133–151.



i.                 What is the creative response doing?

ii.                 What is it responding to?

iii.              What dominant ideologies is it challenging?

iv.              What media text is it critiquing/spoofing/parodying/rewriting/reimagining/etc.?

v.                 How does the creative response do this?

vi.              Does it use humour/anger/optimism/queer readings/race bending/etc.?

vii.             How effective is the creative response?

viii.           Does it offer something new?

ix.              Does it present any issues or problems of its own?


d. A concluding paragraph that summarizes and reflects on your main points


e. Make sure you include an image/link of the creative response you

are responding to. In the end.

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$ 20.00

[Solved] Choose an already existing creative response to a media/pop culture text.

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  • Submitted On 18 Feb, 2023 08:48:47
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Choose an already existing creative response to a media/pop culture text. These might include ‘professional’ responses, such as spoofs or parodies. It should be a fan responses, such as fanfiction, fan videos, fan art ( choose only one) The key is that whatever existing creative response you choose should be critiquing/making commentary/responding to one of the dominant/hegemonic – think of male gaze Write a 3-page academic paper that makes an argument for how your chosen example creatively re...
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