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KAPLAN MED SURG EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE 2022 180 Questions & Answers!Rated A+ Answers

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1.                    The  nurse  cares  for  the  client  diagnosed  as  being  in  the  manic  phase  of  bipolar  disorder.  Which  behavior  indicates  to the nurse the client condition is improving?

a.                 The client offers suggestions to other clients on the unit

b.                The client begins to write a book about life

c.                 The client sits and eats with other clients on unit

d.               The client talks with other clients a group meeting

2.                    The health care provider orders a continuous intravenous aminophylline infusion for a two year old client. It is most important for the nurse to intervene for which situation?

a.                 The  client  heart  rate  is  100  bpm

b.                The  clients  blood  pressure  is  100/60  mmHg

c.                 The  clients  serum  theophylline  level  is  25  mcg/mL

d.               The client is sleepy

3.                    The nurse teaches the client about the schedule cardiac catheterization. Which statement, if made by the client to the nurse, indicates that the teaching was effective?

a.                 "I understand that there is little or no risk associated with this procedure."

b.                "I  may  experience  a  little  pounding  sensation  in  my  chest  during  the  procedure."

c.                 "I will be in and out of the procedure room in about 30 minutes."

d.               "I will be able to walk in the hall soon after the procedure is completed."

4.                    During the second stage of labor, the client's partner asks the nurse, "Can I go get a cup of coffee from the cafeteria?" Which response by the nurse is best?

a.                 "I  will  get  you  a  cup  of  coffee."

b.                "It would be best if you stayed here at this time."

c.                 "Ask your partner if it is acceptable to leave."

d.               "Why do you want to leave the room?"

5.                    The  nurse  discovers  that  client  lying  face  down  on  the  floor.  Which  action  does  the  nurse  take  first?

a.                 Assess the patency of the client's airway

b.      Determine whether the client is responsive

c.                 Check the client's carotid pulse

d.               Reposition the client onto the back

6.                    A  nurse  works  3  weeks  at  a  100-bed  suburban  hospital  after  working  several  months  at  a  40-bed  rural  hospital.  The nurse prefers the total client care delivery system that was used at the rural hospital, rather then the team leading system of client care that is used at the suburban hospital. Which action does the nurse take?

a.                 Works with in the system at the hospital to change the type of client care delivery

b.                Discuss his thoughts about the type of client care delivery system with the nurses supervisor

c.                 Asks the nurses peers why this type of client care delivery system is used

d.               Suggests a change in the type of client care delivery system to the director of nursing

7.                    The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with a left traumatic below knee amputation (BKA) with a tourniquet in place. The client also has a tear from the perineum to the rectum. Which action is the nurse take first?

a.                 Apply anti-shock trousers

b.                Assesses the clients level of consciousness

c.                 Remove the tourniquet

d.               Check the client's blood pressure and pulse

8.                    During morning rounds, the client diagnosed with schizophrenia tells the nurse, "I know you are conspiring with my spouse to keep me locked away." Which statement by the nurse is the most appropriate?


a.                 "What makes you think your spouse is trying to hide your existence?"

b.                "Are you saying that you think your spouse doesn't love you?"

c.                 "I  can  see  that  you  are  frightened  about  being  here  but I  am  a  nurse  in  a  hospital."

d.               "I'm  not  conspiring  with  your  spouse.  I  first  met  your  spouse  when  you  are  admitted  to  the  hospital."

9.                    During a routine prenatal visit, the nurse auscultates the fetal heart rate (FHR). If the fetal position is left sacrum posterior (LSP), at which site does the nurse expect to find the fetal heart (FHT)?

a.                 Below umbilicus, on the mothers right

b.                Below umbilicus, on the mothers left

c.    Above umbilicus, on the mothers left

d.   Above umbilicus, on the mothers right

10.                 The nurse makes environmental rounds on the client care unit. Which problem does the nurse addressed first?

a.                 A wheel of the medication cart is broken

b.                The needle disposal unit in unoccupied room is full

c.    The call light and occupied isolation room is broken

d.   The ice machine and the visitors lounge is leaking water on the floor

11.                 The nurse observes a nursing assistive personnel (NAP) enter the room of the client diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) to provide morning care. Which observation, if you made by the nurse, does not require an intervention?

a.                 The NAP enters the room while wearing goggles and a hair covering

b.                That NAP enters the room while wearing a mask and sterile gloves

c.                 The NAP enters the room while wearing a gown and clean gloves

d.               The NAP enters the room while wearing a particulate respirator and a gown


12.                 The  nurse  teaches  the  client about  ferrous  sulfate.  Which  statement  by  the  client  indicates  to  the  nurse  that  the client understands the education?

a.                 "I  should  take  this  medication  when  I  take  my  antacid."

b.      "I  should  take  this  medication  with  orange  juice."

c.                 "I should increase my intake of foods that contain calcium."

d.               "I should take this medication at bedtime."

13.                 The nurse gives discharge instructions about home care for orchitis to the client. Which statement indicates to the nurse that teaching has been successful?

a.                 "I should make an appointment to have a circumcision."

b.   "It will help if I use a scrotal support."

c.                 "I  should  restrict  my  athletic  activities  for  about  6  weeks."

d.               "I need to stay in bed for at least 10 days."

14.                 The nurse cares for the client having a left total hip arthroplasty period in which position does the nurse placed the client after surgery?

a.                 Legs abducted with the toes pointing upward

b.                Legs adducted with a bed cradle in place

c.                 Flat on the bed with a foot board in place

d.               Legs elevated on two pillows with the knees flexed

15.                 The  adolescent  receives  10  units  of  intermediate-acting  insulin  every  morning  at  0700.  If  the  client  requires  the insulin dosage reduced, the nurse expects the client to present with which symptom?

a.                 Declines lunch at 1200

b.                Reports hunger at 0900

c.                 Experiences confusion at 1600

d.               Becomes sleepy at 2100

16.                 The nurse discovers the client in the bathroom attempting self-harm. Which action does the nurse take first?


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[Solved] KAPLAN MED SURG EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE 2022 180 Questions & Answers!Rated A+ Answers

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