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ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist

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Physical Activity correct answerAny bodily movement produced by contracting skeletal muscles, with an increase in energy expenditure.


Exercise correct answerPlanned, purposeful, repetitive


Physical Fitness correct answerAttributes or characteristics that individuals have achieved that related to their ability to perform physical activity


3 metabolic pathways the body uses to creates ATP correct answer1. Creatine Phosphate

2. anaerobic glycolysis

3. 0xidative system


Claudication correct answerpain in the leg is induced by exercise, usually because of an artery obstruction.


Creatine Phosphate system correct answerSmall amounts of CP are stored within each cell. Simple one-to-one trade off that allows for the rapid production of ATP. ONLY for use during short bouts of exercise. less that 10 seconds.


Anaerobic glycolysis correct answerNo oxygen required. NExt most immediate energy source. break down carbs (glucose or glycogen) into pyruvate. Used during medium-duration exercise. no more than about 90 seconds.


Aerobic glycolysis (oxidative system) correct answerOxygen dependent. As exercise intensity decreases allowing for longer duration activities, use of the oxidative system increases. (Krebs cycle and ETC). Produce ATP in the mitochondria of the cell--requires oxygen. Lasts longer than 1-2 minutes.


What is VO2? correct answerThe volume of oxygen the body consumes. VO2 max is the highest volume of oxygen the body can consume.


Define Stroke Volume correct answerthe volume of blood the heart ejects with each beat.


How does SV increase with workload? correct answerSimilar to HR, it increases as workload increases but only up to ~40% to 60% of VO2max. The percentages can be decreases in sedentary individuals and increased with training.

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$ 11.00

[Solved] ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist

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  • Submitted On 28 Dec, 2022 12:16:18
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Physical Activity correct answerAny bodily movement produced by contracting skeletal muscles, with an increase in energy expenditure. Exercise correct answerPlanned, purposeful, repetitive Physical Fitness correct answerAttributes or characteristics that individuals have achieved that related to their ability to perform physical activity 3 metabolic pathways the body uses to creates ATP correct answer1. Creatine Phosphate 2. anaerobic...
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ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist

Physical Activity correct answerAny bodily movement produced by contracting skeletal muscles, with an increase in energy expenditure. Exercise correct answerPlanned, purposeful, repetitive Physical Fitness correct answe...

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