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Ethical Scenario (9) You are the CEO of a baked-goods plant located in th

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Ethical Scenario (9) You are the CEO of a baked-goods plant located in the South Bronx. You have gotten into the doughnut business and your marketing Vice President suggests using a brand name that suggests that the doughnuts are made in the old fashioned way. She suggests using the brand name, "Grandma's Old-Fashioned Bakery" to evoke the image of a simple bakery using healthy ingredients. Should the company should use the brand name Grandma's Old-Fashioned Bakery" or not? Identify at least 3 courses of actions or alternatives.1 What is the ethical dilemma or issue?2 What are the alternatives or possible courses of action? Identify at least 3 alternatives.3 What are your recommendations? In other words, of the several alternatives you identified, what do you think the company should...

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$ 10.00

[Solved] Ethical Scenario (9) You are the CEO of a baked-goods plant located in th

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  • Submitted On 16 Nov, 2015 08:35:07
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