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CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100%

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CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100%

Huss's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- a disease caused by excessive consumption


American Society of Addiction Medicine's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors that are progressive and fatal


Alcohol use syndrome {{Ans- craving to drink, loss of control (unable to stop), physical dependence (withdrawal: nausea, sweating, shakes, anxiety), and tolerance (increasing amounts)


DSM-V includes alcohol use disorder as a mental health concern {{Ans- consists of 11 symptoms

mild = 2-3

moderate = 4-5

severe = 6+


Binge drinking {{Ans- # of drinks per sitting

4+ for women

5+ for men


Heavy drinking {{Ans- # of drinks per week

8+ for women

15+ for men


Standard drink sizes {{Ans- 12 oz beer = 1 can

5 oz wine = 1/5 bottle

1.5 oz liquor = 1/17 bottle (750 mL)


Problem drinking... {{Ans- does not guarantee alcoholism but is a significant risk factor


Disease forms {{Ans- gamma & delta alcoholism


Non-disease forms {{Ans- alpha & beta


Gamma alcoholism {{Ans- increased tolerance and progressive loss of control


Delta alcoholism {{Ans- metabolic and biochemical changes making it difficult to abstain


Alpha form {{Ans- excessive drinking that has psychological dependence


Beta form {{Ans- physical deterioration but not dependency


Phase 1 of alcoholism {{Ans- pre-alcoholic stage


Phase 2 of alcoholism {{Ans- defensive attitude, denial of abuse, denial of personal drinking habits


Phase 3 of alcoholism {{Ans- crucial phase is when alcohol becomes a necessary part of life


Phase 4 of alcoholism {{Ans- chronic stage is generally terminal and can lead to malnutrition, cirrhosis, and neurological damage


Adults with no strong religious beliefs are... {{Ans- 1.5x more likely to drink

4x more likely to use illicit drugs

6x more likely to use marijuana


Spiritual-based program = {{Ans- can successfully abstain from alcohol use


Onset of alcoholism is {{Ans- between 18-24 years old


Early onset + family history of abuse = {{Ans- significantly increase likelihood of alcoholism


National Survey on Drug Use & Health 2020 statistics {{Ans- 50% used alcohol in the past month

44% were binge drinkers

13% heavy drinkers

males > females


Among college students... {{Ans- 80% drink

50% binge drink


What percentage of people aged 25+ binge drink? {{Ans- 23%

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[Solved] CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100%

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  • Submitted On 24 Oct, 2022 11:59:16
Answer posted by
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CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100% Huss's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- a disease caused by excessive consumption American Society of Addiction Medicine's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors that are progressive and fatal Alcohol use syndrome {{Ans- craving to drink, loss of control (unable to stop), physical dependence (withdrawal: nausea, sweating, shakes, anxiety), and tolerance (increasing amounts) DSM-V includes alcohol use disorder as a mental health concern {{Ans- consists of 11 symptoms mild = 2-...
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CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100%

CCJ4614 Exam 3 Latest Updates with complete Solutions 100% Huss's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- a disease caused by excessive consumption American Society of Addiction Medicine's definition of alcoholism {{Ans- chronic ...

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