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LETRS Module 1-3 correctly solved 100%

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LETRS Module 1-3 correctly solved 100%

In the later stages of reading development (grades 5 and up) which strand of the "reading rope" takes on more and more importance in explaining reading comprehension? {{Ans- Verbal reasoning


Phoneme awareness has the closest relationship with which aspect of literacy in an alphabetic writing system? {{Ans- decoding unknown words


Which misspelling is an example of a students failure to recognize the difference between vowel sounds that are very similar in articulation? {{Ans- FEL/fill


In which group of words does each word have two syllables? {{Ans- Followed, chaos, rhythm


What is the likely language of origin of the word meat? {{Ans- Anglo-Saxon


Which of the following is an appropriate technique for helping children link letter names to letter sounds? {{Ans- Use key words and multi sensory techniques to build associations.


The "simple view of reading" states that: {{Ans- Reading is the product of decoding and language comprehension


Which of the following groups of words demonstrates the spelling principle "we spell by the position of a sound in a word?" {{Ans- Fun, puff, rough


If a teacher asks a student to blend /s-ocks/ together to make a word, the student is working with language at the level of: {{Ans- Onset-rime


The following principles of phonemic awareness instruction are recommended by research, with the exception of: {{Ans- Use letters from the outset to teach phonics simultaneously

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$ 3.00

[Solved] LETRS Module 1-3 correctly solved 100%

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  • Submitted On 13 Oct, 2022 01:25:31
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
LETRS Module 1-3 correctly solved 100% In the later stages of reading development (grades 5 and up) which strand of the "reading rope" takes on more and more importance in explaining reading comprehension? {{Ans- Verbal reasoning Phoneme awareness has the closest relationship with which aspect of literacy in an alphabetic writing system? {{Ans- decoding unknown wo...
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