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Journal Tester.docx CS-250 Journal 3: Lesson Learned CS-250-Software Development Lifecy

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Journal Tester.docx  CS-250  Journal 3: Lesson Learned  CS-250-Software Development Lifecycle  Southern New Hampshire University  Journal 3: Lesson Learned  When developing my test cases, what the users expected to achieve from the software was essential. The users' desired results were vital as they could help confirm if the software has features that meet the unique expectations. The other crucial element was the user task. A user wants the software to do for him/her to test if the software has the features to execute the task.  The user stories, however, omitted some crucial details that would be helpful. Among them was the monetary value to be incurred after benefiting from different services of this software. The cost of running the software should have been included as it helps users do early planning and prioritization of the software from other related expenses. For example, this would have included information on the possibility of extra funds/subscriptions being needed for some user-specific conditions such as canceling bookings.  To acquire this information, I would organize online opinion polls and distribute them to the users. The polls would contain explanations on some of the software's additional services and a blank box/space where they will be required to submit their opinion.  To: Scrum Team Developers  From: Justin Haby  Date: 03/26/2021  Subject: Consumer Needs.  Hello! How are you doing?  As the travel booking software product tester, I am writing this email to consult a few

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Journal Tester.docx CS-250 Journal 3: Lesson Learned CS-250-Software Development Lifecy

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 01:59:27
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Journal Tester.docx CS-250 Journal 3: Lesson Learned CS-250-Software Development Lifecycle Southern New Hampshire University Journal 3: Lesson Learned When developing my test cases, what the users expected to achieve from the software was essential. The users' desired results were vital as they could help confirm if the software has features that meet the unique expectati...
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