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2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire Universi

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2 5 Review.docx  ENG-122  Journal: Importance of Analysis  Southern New Hampshire University ENG-122: English Composition   Based on the reading of this article, the context behind it supports a person use to light work and high pay. This is gathered with the assist of the tone in which the article seems as if he was very critical as well as subjective. The style is conversational. He made several attempts to connect with the reader with examples of hard work. The article has several tones mixed in due to it being a personal conversation piece. At times he is very satirical, based on the reflection of working in the plant compared to doing the college schooling programs.  Having a closer look into the factory, he worked at will help give context to if he was really was over worked and had a claim of hard work. Several people have to work hard to get promotions and raises within a company. It™s not common nowadays to just jump to the head or the company or your own office without working hard to prove you are good at your job. Michigan is a state full of plant work. Although there are some plants that have really ruff conditions and bad pay, there are also several plants well known for white floors and cool fans or even air condition. These factory jobs help build character and appreciation. Not many degrees can teach you how to do plant work although there are several degree holders that work there.  This article is one that is effective and has achieved the purpose he attended. With the refl

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$ 7.00

[Solved] 2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire Universi

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 12:43:45
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2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire University ENG-122: English Composition Based on the reading of this article, the context behind it supports a person use to light work and high pay. This is gathered with the assist of the tone in which the article seems as if he was very critical as well as subjective. The style is conversatio...
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2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire Universi

2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire University ENG-122: English Composition Based on the reading of this article, the context behind it supports a person use to light work and h...
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2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire Universi

2 5 Review.docx ENG-122 Journal: Importance of Analysis Southern New Hampshire University ENG-122: English Composition Based on the reading of this article, the context behind it supports a person use to light work and h...

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