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U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counselin

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U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx  COUN5004  Unit 6: Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams  COUN5004 Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors  Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams  When treating patients with varying mental health needs, it is crucial to have a support system in place in order to make a lasting impact. This support system is often comprised of a team of different specialists in varying roles who can support the patient in their recovery process or path to making changes in their wellbeing. This paper will discuss the different types of roles that can be a part of the collaborative team in supporting patients through their processes of growth. The history  of varying components of the counseling profession will be introduced, as well as different models for wellness and what this looks like in practice.  Resources and references to back claims will be provided to support the idea that treatment for patients is an all hands on  deck process that is best implemented with research to back practices and a team approach to care.  Impact of a Wellness Model  A wellness model to be considered in supporting patients is the Wheel of Wellness, a concept that is modeled after the shape of a wheel with different factors all impacting the wellbeing of a person. At the center of the wheel is the factor of spirituality, and all other spokes of the wheel have an impact on this factor. The main theme of the wheel is the correlation between “health,

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$ 7.00

[Solved] U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counselin

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 10:22:55
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U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams COUN5004 Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams When treating patients with varying mental health needs, it is crucial to have a support system in place in order to make...
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U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counselin

U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams COUN5004 Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors Counseling...
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U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counselin

U06A1 CounselingSpecializationsandMultidisciplinaryTeams.docx COUN5004 Unit 6: Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams COUN5004 Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors Counseling...

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