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U03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc COUN 5832 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseli

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u03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc  COUN 5832  Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseling Group  COUN 5832: Group Counseling and Applications in Clinical Mental Health Counseling  Unit 3 Proposing a Counseling Group  This paper will present a counseling group designed for a specific group. Readers will become aware of demographic descriptors such as the age, gender, sexual identity, and ethnicity of the members of the group. The writer will determine if the group benefits from counseling or psychotherapy. The next section will discuss specific group leadership styles or approaches in detail. This section will present the strengths and weaknesses of each approach that could potentially benefit the group. Legal and ethical issues that could potentially arise will be discussed. Lastly, an analyzation of current and past research on cultural factors will be thoroughly discussed.   Group counseling is not much different than individual counseling. More clients are involved; therefore, the group facilitator must be comfortable to meet the needs of a group of individuals. The group facilitator must practice ethically while also acknowledging state law. A group leader must choose the right approach to use with a counseling group. The chosen approach can both help and hurt the therapeutic process if not carefully chosen. The group facilitator must make sure that the group leadership approach and other relevant methods will produce positive results for the group. The group facilitator cannot help a group that he or she 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] u03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc COUN 5832 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseli

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 10:20:53
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u03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc COUN 5832 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseling Group COUN 5832: Group Counseling and Applications in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Unit 3 Proposing a Counseling Group This paper will present a counseling group designed for a specific group. Readers will become aware of demographic descriptors such as the age, gender, sexual ident...
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u03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc COUN 5832 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseli

U03a01_ProposingACounselingGroup.doc COUN 5832 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Proposing a Counseling Group COUN 5832: Group Counseling and Applications in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Unit 3 Proposing a Counseling Group This ...

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