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New account creation police. All requests for a new C

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New account creation police. All requests for a new                                      Cyberlaw, Regulations, and Compliance – TFT2               Subject:- Task 2  SECURITY FAULT #1   From the report, 3 undocumented accounts were created, and such account had access to health and financial record. This is an indication the organization lacks new account creation control.  NEW POLICY  New account creation police. All requests for a new account must be submitted within the organization secured intranet. This request shall be made by the manager level job title of Human resource department sent to help desk. Such request must be signed by the hiring manager with the level of access and resource such user will have access to before such account can be created by a member of the help desk. All approved and executed requests must be stored in the organization account management system.  JUSTIFICATION  There is an urgent need to prevent any undocumented account from been created and this policy will address that. All new account creation requests will be submitted via the secured electronic management system, thereby become a permanent/searchable record of the organization. The hiring manager will provide final approval and list resources such account can access. Only users who need access to EHR can be granted access to such a system.  According to NIST.SP.800-53rev4, an organization should identify and select system accounts to support the organizational business function. Account managers establish conditions for all group and 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] New account creation police. All requests for a new C

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 06:25:08
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New account creation police. All requests for a new Cyberlaw, Regulations, and Compliance – TFT2 Subject:- Task 2 SECURITY FAULT #1 From the report, 3 undocumented accounts were created, and such account had access to health and financial record. This is an indication the organization lacks new account creation control. NEW PO...
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