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Management task 3.docx Avm1 Task 3 There are many different reasons for why entrepr

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management task 3.docx    Avm1 Task 3    There are many different reasons for why entrepreneurial organizations are motivated towards innovation. Because of things like competitive advantage, economic growth, business survival, and the progression of human wellbeing, entrepreneurial organizations are motivated to innovate.  In order to achieve a competitive advantage in the economic market, entrepreneurial organizations strive to innovate. Through innovation these organizations can find new methods to either provide a more sought-after service, or a better good/product for the consumer. Using research and development teams, or creative members of the organizations, these entrepreneurs find new ways to be on the top of their industry or find a way to create a niche market for themselves that can thrive.   Entrepreneurs are motivated by economic growth to innovate. By creating new products and services, entrepreneurs create economic growth, which expands their earnings and potential. Entrepreneurs are motivated by the idea of successful business potential that achieves economic growth. This is accomplished by creating innovative products and services that set their organization apart. As the necessity for a product or service grows, it is that desire that drives the innovation for the entrepreneurs.  In addition to economic growth and competitive advantage, entrepreneur organizations are motivated to innovate if it means the business will survive. For instance, if an organization gets a bad reput

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[Solved] management task 3.docx Avm1 Task 3 There are many different reasons for why entrepr

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 06:15:15
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
management task 3.docx Avm1 Task 3 There are many different reasons for why entrepreneurial organizations are motivated towards innovation. Because of things like competitive advantage, economic growth, business survival, and the progression of human wellbeing, entrepreneurial organizations are motivated to innovate. In order to achieve a competitive advantage in the eco...
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