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EZ SWOT Essay.docx SWOT Analysis Essay Importance During a period of growth, change, a

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EZ SWOT Essay.docx  SWOT Analysis Essay   Importance  During a period of growth, change, and financial pressure from investors and shareholders, EZ-Pleeze must devise strategies to ensure financial stability, larger quantities of supply, and forward movement.  For them to achieve their goal of becoming one of the “top three corn and potato producers in the U.S. and the world,” EZ-Pleeze needs to examine their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as they forge ahead (Western Governors University [WGU], n.d.).  As CEO and founder Tim Burnes steps down as the head of the company, many strategic decisions must be split among the remaining chiefs, namely Brian Jansen (Operations), Karen Haley (Financial Officer), and Lisa Tye (Executive Assistant).   Therefore Jansen, Haley, and Tye must have full knowledge of what ventures may be costly, dangerous, and ultimately beneficial to the success of the company.    Strengths   In addition to being the fifth largest corn and potato products company in the United States, EZ-Pleezes greatest strength lies in the companys location, headquartered in the U.S., in Illinois.   Having a domestic presence in the U.S. is beneficial to EZ-Pleeze for several reasons.  Chiefly, they can sell directly to the U.S. market without paying high importation taxes, tariffs, and levies.  Unlike Prime Spuds Industries, whom are based in “Brazil,” EZ-Pleeze has the advantage of lower transportation and shipping costs (Western Governors University [WGU]

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[Solved] EZ SWOT Essay.docx SWOT Analysis Essay Importance During a period of growth, change, a

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 05:38:34
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EZ SWOT Essay.docx SWOT Analysis Essay Importance During a period of growth, change, and financial pressure from investors and shareholders, EZ-Pleeze must devise strategies to ensure financial stability, larger quantities of supply, and forward movement. For them to achieve their goal of becoming one of the “top three corn and potato producers in the U.S. and the world,...
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EZ SWOT Essay.docx SWOT Analysis Essay Importance During a period of growth, change, a

EZ SWOT Essay.docx SWOT Analysis Essay Importance During a period of growth, change, and financial pressure from investors and shareholders, EZ-Pleeze must devise strategies to ensure financial stability, larger quantitie...

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