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COUN5238 u5a1 TriageAssessment.docx COUN5238 Using the Triage Assessment Form Capella U

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COUN5238 u5a1 TriageAssessment.docx  COUN5238  Using the Triage Assessment Form  Capella University  Abstract  A state of crisis indicates that a client is experiencing a perception of some situation or event as intolerable or without the ability to cope or utilize resources (James & Gilliland, 2017). These individuals may seek out a counselor or crisis workers to assist them in figuring out how to deal with the event in order to get back to normal (Myer & Conte, 2006). Counselors can aid the client in doing so by subscribing to a crisis model in order to gain specific information to know what types of interventions would be appropriate for the client and their particular situation (James & Gilliland, 2017). For example, throughout this paper, the Triage Assessment Form (TAF) is utilized to determine an appropriate course of action for the client Jordan. In this paper, Jordan™s domain scores, treatment skills and techniques, personal effects from her crisis, and cultural background will all be discussed at length to ensure understanding and thorough evaluation of Jordan™s case is provided.   Using the Triage Assessment Form  In the scenario provided describing Jordan, she is a married woman who is seeking counseling at the request and suggestion of her close friend. Jordan™s seeks counseling due to her husband™s excessive drinking leading to a physical altercation the night before. During this altercation in which she mentioned to her husband that she would like him to drink less, Jordan was pushed up against th

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$ 7.00

[Solved] COUN5238 u5a1 TriageAssessment.docx COUN5238 Using the Triage Assessment Form Capella U

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  • Submitted On 07 Aug, 2022 03:41:29
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COUN5238 u5a1 TriageAssessment.docx COUN5238 Using the Triage Assessment Form Capella University Abstract A state of crisis indicates that a client is experiencing a perception of some situation or event as intolerable or without the ability to cope or utilize resources (James & Gilliland, 2017). These individuals may seek out a counselor or crisis workers to assist them in figu...
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COUN5238 u5a1 TriageAssessment.docx COUN5238 Using the Triage Assessment Form Capella University Abstract A state of crisis indicates that a client is experiencing a perception of some situation or event as intolerable o...

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