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C948_WGU.docx C948 C948 WGU Slideshow Critique The document presented to be reviewed t

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C948_WGU.docx  C948  C948 WGU  Slideshow Critique  The document presented to be reviewed titled œSlideshow Presentation was critiqued for its usability for a company-wide presentation. In the review, it has been determined that it should not be used in its current state. The factors behind this are that the layout design is flawed, many grammatical and spelling errors were uncovered, and it does not present itself as providing information that should be distributed company-wide.  The first issue discovered with the slideshow is the comical nature of the background and font selection. The background selection is for more of a laid-back presentation and is not a choice that should be considered correct for a business meeting. The font that is used is a comic sans font that again does send the message of this being a business/technical subject manor. The layout of the slides themselves appears jumbled and is difficult to decipher. The information is not able to be glanced at and have the user understand the topic being covered by that slide. Using bullet points would be the suggested alternative to layout the topics and information listed.  Secondly, in the presentation, there are several grammatical errors made by the author. Common errors are made with the use of œtheir, œthere, and they™re. These mistakes could have easily been corrected with the use of numerous grammar programs available and by proofreading the presentation.  Finally, the major issue of the slideshow is the fact that 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] C948_WGU.docx C948 C948 WGU Slideshow Critique The document presented to be reviewed t

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  • Submitted On 07 Aug, 2022 03:30:23
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Online Tutor Profile
C948_WGU.docx C948 C948 WGU Slideshow Critique The document presented to be reviewed titled œSlideshow Presentation was critiqued for its usability for a company-wide presentation. In the review, it has been determined that it should not be used in its current state. The factors behind this are that the layout design is flawed, many grammatical and spelling errors were un...
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C948_WGU.docx C948 C948 WGU Slideshow Critique The document presented to be reviewed t

C948_WGU.docx C948 C948 WGU Slideshow Critique The document presented to be reviewed titled œSlideshow Presentation was critiqued for its usability for a company-wide presentation. In the review, it has been determined...

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