BUS_FP3007__Assessment1_1.docx Mission, Vision, and Ethics in Organizations Capella Un
- From Economics, General Economics
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BUS_FP3007__Assessment1_1.docx Mission, Vision, and Ethics in Organizations Capella University Introduction The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18, œ18 Where there is no vision, the people perish. This statement is applicable to the business world as well. If an organization does not see where it wants to go, the path it takes will not be sustainable. I have never met a person who wants to run as fast as they can - in a dark room - with sunglasses on. An organization without a vision is doing that exact thing. A successful business knows where it is going, can see where it is going, and provides a plan to get there. A critical success factor for a company is to develop and align mission and vision statements, as well as its code of ethics, into the way it conducts business to inspire employees and satisfy customers. Purpose of Mission and Vision Statements A mission statement informs an organization™s employees, and the world, exactly what its purpose is. Essentially, it explains why the organization exists. A job is just that - only a job - without purpose. If an employee understands how the few bolts they are paid to install and tighten changes the life of the end user, the employee is more likely to be physically, mentally, and emotionally invested in creating the best product they can. Through the mission statement, the end user also understands their product not only improves their life but changes the world one life at a time. A vision statement is the future goals of the organizati
[Solved] BUS_FP3007__Assessment1_1.docx Mission, Vision, and Ethics in Organizations Capella Un
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- Submitted On 07 Aug, 2022 03:17:52
- Termpaper
- Rating : 3
- Grade : B
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 15269
- Blog : 0
- Earned : $2452.10