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assignment pre test

  • From Health Care, General Health Care
  • Due on 16 Jan, 2021 06:23:00
  • Asked On 15 Jan, 2021 03:42:05
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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Please complete the Sexual Violence Post-Test

Please complete the Post-Test

1. Which of the following is a way that a person's behavior might change after an experience of sexual violence?

He or she will spend more time with friends

He or she will focus more on school work

He or she will withdraw from activities they once enjoyed

His or her behavior will change very little

2. What can you do to help a friend who has experienced relationship abuse?

Downplay what he or she is going through

Question his or her account of what took place

Tell your friend to confide in his or her parents

Tell your friend you support his or her decision to end the relationship

3. According to the Title IX Final Rule, colleges must publish which of the following procedures?

The right to decline formal reporting to law enforcement

How to have a healthy relationship with a partner

How to set boundaries when having sex with a partner

How to set privacy settings for your social media sites

4. According to the Title IX Final Rule, students who report an incident of sexual harassment can expect a written list of their rights from their college which includes the following:

Instructions on how to confront the person accused of sexual harassment

Assistance in finding a lawyer

Instructions for obtaining a restraining order

Assistance to get school funding to move from a hostile living situation

5. Which of the following statements about consent is TRUE?

A person who kisses another person and says "I don't know, maybe" to having sex is giving meaningful consent

A person who talks another person into having sex is getting meaningful consent

A person who gives a verbal "yes" to another person is giving meaningful consent

A person who gives another person consent once is giving meaningful consent for all future sexual contact

6. Learning to deal with anger includes which of the following steps?

Expressing angry, aggressive feelings so everyone will know how you feel

Concentrating on the event that triggered your anger so that you won't forget it

Experimenting with alcohol and other drugs to numb the anger

Going for a run, listening to music, or doing something that redirects your anger into constructive behavior

7. What is one thing people should NOT do as bystanders to a sexual assault or rape situation?

Remain at the scene as a witness

Ask if the potential victim needs help

Step in and help the victim, even if it puts him or her in a dangerous situation

Offer a distraction by asking the perpetrator for the time or directions

8. According to the American College Health Association, meaningful consent in a sexual situation is:

Something that can be coerced by one of the participants

Only required if one of the participants has been drinking or using drugs

Something that can be assumed "yes" by one of the participants

Something that is voluntary, sober, and a verbal "yes"

9. What is the term used to describe when a person treats his or her partner as if he or she is a servant?

Psychological Abuse

Social Abuse

Emotional Abuse

Physical Abuse

10. Which of the following behaviors are considered part of the sexual violence continuum?

Telling someone you're not interested in dating them anymore

Telling someone you "friended" them on social media

Talking about sexual boundaries with a partner

Telling sexist jokes

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[Solved] Sexual Violence Post-Test

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  • Submitted On 15 Jan, 2021 10:16:44
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Please complete the Sexual Violence Post-Test Please complete the Post-Test 1. Which of the following is a way that a person's behavior might change after an experience of sexual violence? He or she will spend more time with friends He or she will focus more on school work He or she will withdraw from activities they once enjoyed His or her behavior will change very little 2. What can you do to help a friend who has experienced relationship abuse? Downplay what he or she is going through Question his or her account of what took place Tell your friend to confide in his or her parents Tell your friend you support his or her decision to end the relationship 3. According to the Title IX Final Rule, colleges must publish which of the following procedures? The right to decline formal reporting to law enforcement How ...
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[Solved] assignment pre test

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  • Submitted On 15 Jan, 2021 08:33:59
Answer posted by
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Please complete the Sexual Violence Post-Test Please complete the Post-Test 1. Which of the following is a way that a person's behavior might change after an experience...
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