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Diversification case for Apple Inc. by  Dr.FrapetphD




Diversification is a business strategy that firms use to enter into new industries by developing new products. Businesses must diversify as it cushions firms in the event where one of its business interests suffers an economic downturn. Therefore, if one area of the business suffers an adverse market environment leading to losses, a better performing segment of the company helps to keep the firm afloat (Ketchen & Short 2018). Companies also use diversification strategies for growth, and to ensure that a diversification strategy is viable, it must meet a few requirements. First, the industry to which a company is diversifying should have the potential for profitability. Such profitability will enable the business to .....

Assalt and Battery by  Dr.FrapetphD




Simple assault is identified by the law as the attempt to cause a violent injury to an individual. It also entails the act of putting somebody in a status that they can subdue such violent injuries. Simple assault doesn’t necessarily call for a physical contact rather a simple placement of threatening words. An aggravating assault is, on the other hand, a higher degree of assault involving an intention to rob, rape, or murder. The assault might also emanate from the deliberate use of a tool or a device that can cause serious injuries on an individual (Saunders, 2016). The aggravating assault also entails a shoot-out from a vehicle directed to a person to cause imminent injuries. The law further acknowledges serio.....