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SOC 120 WEEK 3 affirmative action Ro

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Rough Draft of Final Paper In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue, selected from the list of issues below. Choose one of the ethical issues from the list to research and write about. It is recommended that you choose a topic you are familiar with or that you have thought about previously, if possible. For example, you might choose an issue that either worries you or enrages you; you might choose one that you have worked on; or you might choose one that relates to recent events in your community. Possible Issues Corporate executive compensation Corporate contributions to political campaigns Affirmative action The media and its responsibilities Domestic surveillance Whistle blowing in government or in a business Religion in the workplace Pornography Consumer tracking Ethical problems of gambling Progressive taxation rates Immigration Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply the ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical theories and at least one ethical perspective in your paper. Make sure that you write primarily on ethical topics and concepts; do not get distracted by doing analyses that apply political, economic, religious, or legal perspectives. Describe, compare, and apply the ethical theories and perspectives to the topics. Explain your analysis of the issue using these theories and perspectives. What are the ethical issues? Where there breaches of ethical behavior? How could each theory help people think about what constitutes virtuous or ethical behavior?

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[Solved] SOC 120 WEEK 3 affirmative action Ro

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  • Submitted On 01 Oct, 2015 05:00:43
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