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Week_3_Assignment__Course_Project_Milestone.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scho

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Week_3_Assignment__Course_Project_Milestone.docx    ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics   Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assisted Suicide  Chamberlain University College of Nursing  ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics  Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Euthanasia  Health care professionals aspire to be in their profession to be the best caregivers and extending the lives of their patients while they are in poor health. Thoughhealth care professiolnals can help lengthen the lives of their patients,they cannot preventall of their patients from eventually perishingfor the reason that death is unavoidable. The overallconcept of dying is an issue thatmany individuals do not particularly wish to speak of often. This notiongives the contentioussubject of euthanasia, or in other words, assisted suicidein the medical environment. This concept is the action of consciously“ending a patient's life to end their suffering by assisting or encouraging them” (Glasper, 2020). Euthanasia or medical suicide is an idea thatmost patients contemplate when they grow tired of battlingtheir illness with lack of any hope or desire to live due to constant pain and suffering. This topicethically is a very contentioussubjectbecause there can be a multitude of ways to viewthis concept. Agreeing with or opposing to assisted suicide is essentialto the accountability of the professional health care providers involved as well asthe moral policies they will abide by.    Moral Reasonings For and Against Euthanasia  While researching, I was able to discovercertainethical reasons t

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[Solved] Week_3_Assignment__Course_Project_Milestone.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scho

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  • Submitted On 24 Jul, 2022 09:23:39
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Week_3_Assignment__Course_Project_Milestone.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assisted Suicide Chamberlain University College of Nursing ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Euthanasia Health care professionals aspire to be in their profession to be the best caregivers and extending the lives of their patients while they are in poo...
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