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ASSIGNMENT 4 ISSC451.docx ISSC451 Assignment 4 Cybercrime ISSC451 There are many diff

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ASSIGNMENT 4 ISSC451.docx  ISSC451  Assignment 4  Cybercrime ISSC451   There are many different viruses out there that can cause harm to a computer, or network system and can categorized into about a dozen types. A computer virus is a malicious program that can self-replicate and copy itself into other programs with a goal to either destroy or gain control of something on the system.  The four that are covered in this assignment are:  -File Viruses come attached to program files and infect the targeted system or program once and execution task is requested.  Additionally, another avenue a file virus can enter a system is as an attachment  in an email.  -    Boot Viruses infect the master boot record and can take control when you start your  computer. It can spread by inserting an infected USB drive into your computer.  -Macro Viruses are designed to implant malicious code into the genuine macro sequence of a large command program such as Microsoft Word.  -    Network Viruses, as the name suggests is a type of malware that spreads throughout  computers on a network without having to use a file-based platform, and exist as network packets while communicating with the server.  *(Admin 2020) (Johansen 2020) (TREND 2017)  According to the text citing of Symantecs Internet Security Threat Report, the majority of malicious software, or viruses, was being spread by Web servers which infiltrates a users computer through their web browser. Additionally, it states that the main focus from the virus writers is t

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[Solved] ASSIGNMENT 4 ISSC451.docx ISSC451 Assignment 4 Cybercrime ISSC451 There are many diff

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  • Submitted On 22 Jul, 2022 10:33:39
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ASSIGNMENT 4 ISSC451.docx ISSC451 Assignment 4 Cybercrime ISSC451 There are many different viruses out there that can cause harm to a computer, or network system and can categorized into about a dozen types. A computer virus is a malicious program that can self-replicate and copy itself into other programs with a goal to either destroy or gain control of something on the sy...
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