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Assignment 1 LASA 2 Rehabilitation and Community Corrections

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Assignment 1: LASA 2: Rehabilitation and Community Corrections

One of the problems that you will face in the real world is that of public perception of rehabilitation and community corrections programs. Intermediate sanctions are mechanisms and programs that relate to the supervision of criminal offenders not under strict confinement or incarceration. Gaining support from the public for these programs requires well-documented presentations that are accessible to general audiences and can drive powerful support and ultimately funding for rehabilitation and community corrections programs.


You have been granted an internship at the Centervale Corrections Authority. Your first task is to research and draft a presentation that will be used to educate citizens and to gain support for funding rehabilitation and intermediate sanctions, better known as community corrections programs.

In order to make this accessible for long-term use, you are instructed to create a presentation that will not only educate the local citizens but build their understanding of the benefits of rehabilitation and ultimately gain support for community corrections programs in Centervale. Keep in mind that you are soliciting the support of the citizens and that you seek their suggestions and recommendations.

Some of the rehabilitation and community corrections issues you will examine include rehabilitation issues associated with gender, culture, race, ethnicity, gang activity, and criminal organizations within the prison system. You will recommend rehabilitation and community corrections programs that will improve the success rate for rehabilitation in Centervale's prison populations. Your presentation will be an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with script and will include the following:

  • Analyze the role of rehabilitation in corrections and communicate in a manner that can be understood by the citizens of Centervale.
  • Analyze research regarding rehabilitation in corrections and support your presentation with empirical research.
  • Examine the difficulty of implementing rehabilitation programs in the correctional environment and include expected timelines, outcomes, and assessments.
  • Examine the rehabilitation issues associated with gender, culture, race, ethnicity, gang activity, and criminal organizations within prison systems.
  • Recommend rehabilitation and community corrections programs that will improve the success rate for rehabilitation in Centervale's prison populations and include opportunities to solicit citizens' suggestions and recommendations for community corrections to gain their support and associated funding.
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[Solved] Assignment 1 LASA 2 Rehabilitation and Community Corrections

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  • Submitted On 03 Aug, 2015 03:47:17
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