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Summary C209 Strategic Management Task 2

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Executive Summary Splendora Independent School District is located in a very small community 40 miles north of Houston, Texas. The district is comprised of one high school, one junior high school and three elementary schools. With a current overall student population of more than 4,100 students, the district is poised to grow within the next five years. Splendora’s mission of “Cultivating Exceptional People” begins with great leadership from the superintendent and the school board. They believe that reaching the mission begins with a strong vision statement. They focus on doing things “right” as indicated in their vision, listed below:  Right People  Right Things  Right Way  Right Resources  Right Relationships (About Us/Homepage. n.d.) The district has a strategic plan in place to become a district of innovation. This plan will all “Splendora ISD will be able to implement the Board’s vision of developing and providing an educational setting where every student is empowered to be selfmotivated, confident, adaptable in learning, critical-thinking, and a productive citizen.” (District of Innovation/Overview. n.d.) The plan includes district-level decision making, teacher certifications, flexible appraisal/evaluation procedures, flexible school calendar, and flexible minimum attendance criteria. The execution of this plan includes creating internal committees comprised of parents, community members, administrators, and teachers. Each committee will research and analyze data, disseminate and compare the data and decide if change is relevant. Once the decisions are reached the committee will either create a plan of action or reject the proposed plan. Financial implications in a school setting are vastly different than the corporate arena. Schools receive state funds based on attendance. For the sake of this assignment, we will focus only on the financial implications of school attendance. According to Missing School (n.d.), student attendance equals approximately $38 per child which calculates to approximately $20,000 per week for high schools in the state. Attendance is part of this strategic plan and help ensure that attendance is at the forefront of our minds as we plan for the coming years. While this strategic plan is focused on several issues, the overarching goal is to become the best district possible and provide our students the opportunity to become the best citizens they can be through real-life relevant instruction that is both innovative and flexible. Vision, Mission and Value Statement The most important goal of superintendent, Dr. Jeff Burke, is to “cultivate exceptional people” and impart on them the ability to build relationships with administrators, students, parents, and community. His belief is that he can achieve this goal by hiring the right people who will do the right things in the right way using the right resources and with that, they will build the right relationships. Building relationship is one of the most important things throughout Splendora ISD. (About Us/Homepage, n.d.) In addition to the mission and vision, Splendor has a set of core principles that drive their goal to becoming a district of innovation. These core principles are the expectation from the highest level of superintendent, to the lowest level of janitorial staff. No matter what your title is within the district, you have the ability to drive change. The

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[Solved] Summary C209 Strategic Management Task 2

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  • Submitted On 12 Nov, 2021 06:13:31
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