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Week 2 assignment.doc CRJ 308 Week 2 Assignment CRJ 308 There are so many different fa

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week 2 assignment.doc  CRJ 308  Week 2 Assignment  CRJ 308  There are so many different factors that can play a part in criminal behavior. There are biological, developmental, and situational factors that can play a part in criminal behavior and I will discuss all three of those factors in this paper.  I will then pick which perspective fits the best with my chosen case which is Aileen Wuornos. Some of the different biological factors that play a part in criminal behavior are low intelligence, poor diet, impulsivity and hyperactivity, hormones such as testosterone and cortisol, and environmental pollutants. There are several different developmental risk factors that can influence criminal behavior such as disruptive childhood behavior such as being impulsive, hyperactivity, acting aggressively, etc. Other developmental risk factors are family types, parental rejection, poor supervision, bad discipline techniqu

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[Solved] week 2 assignment.doc CRJ 308 Week 2 Assignment CRJ 308 There are so many different fa

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  • Submitted On 19 Jun, 2021 12:53:07
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week 2 assignment.doc CRJ 308 Week 2 Assignment CRJ 308 There are so many different factors that can play a part in criminal behavior. There are biological, developmental, and situational factors that can play a part in crimina...
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