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Review the article “Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship

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Review the article “Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship: Ethical and Legal Challenges,” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below:

Van Bogaert, D., & Gross-Schaefer, A. (2005). Terminating the employee-employer relationship: Ethical and legal challenges. Employee Relations Law Journal, 31(1), 49–66. Retrieved from

This article discusses how terminating the employer-employee relationship can be one of the riskiest tasks for an employer due to the many possible impacts of the termination as well as numerous potential legal hurdles. After reading the article, briefly summarize the purpose for the article and answer the following questions:

  • What is the authors’ main point, and what evidence is used to support it?
  • How does the termination of the employer-employee relationship create risk and legal issues?
  • How do exceptions to the employment at-will doctrine factor into termination decisions?

Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. Identify if your point of view conflicts or agrees with the ideas and point of view of the article’s author.

You should then defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points from the article with which you agree or disagree. What evidence from the article, your textbook, or additional sources supports your opinion?

Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion.

Your critique should be written in APA style and must be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages.

You must use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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$ 20.00

[Solved] Review the article “Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship

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  • Submitted On 08 Apr, 2021 02:15:02
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Review the article “Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship: Ethical and Legal Challenges,” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Van Bogaert, D., & Gross-Schaefer, A. (2005). Terminating the employee-employer relationship: Ethical and legal challenges. Employee Relations Law Journal, 31(1), 49–66. Retrieved from
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