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PSYC 341 All Quizzes 200+ | Complete Solution

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1 out of 1 points

A set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses is


1 out of 1 points

The personalities, cognitive processes, developmental histories, and social experiences of personality theorists help shape their theories. The discipline that deals with these factors is called


1 out of 1 points

Part of the internal consistency of a theory is


1 out of 1 points

A test that can accurately divide extraverts from introverts is said to have


1 out of 1 points

A useful theory must be falsifiable, which means that


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about psychodynamic theories?


1 out of 1 points

_____ assume that not only are people driven by a search for meaning, but also that negative experiences such as failure, awareness of death, death of a loved one, and anxiety, are part of the human condition and can foster psychological growth.


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following terms is defined as an educated guess or prediction scientific enough for its validity to be tested through the use of the scientific method?


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not a dimension used by the authors to assess a theorist’s concept of humanity?


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about humanistic-existential theories?

1 out of 1 points

Statements formed in an if-then framework are most likely


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following theories emphasizes that what people think, feel, and do is always an interaction between nature and nurture?


1 out of 1 points

The term “personality” comes from the Latin word “persona,” which means


1 out of 1 points

A researcher uses the number of times a person smiles at others as a measure of friendliness. This an example of


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about theory?




1 out of 1 points

_____ argue that the unique and long-term tendencies to behave in particular ways are the essence of human personality.


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between a theory and a hypothesis?


1 out of 1 points

 Which of the following statements is true about a reliable test?


1 out of 1 points

What is the relationship between a useful theory and research data?



1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not a function of a useful theory?



1 out of 1 points

The _____ perspective argues that how one thinks about oneself and other people, as well as the assumptions one makes and the strategies one uses for solving problems, are the keys to understanding differences between people.


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements highlights the role of theory within science?


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about descriptive research?


1 out of 1 points

A useful theory should be parsimonious, meaning that it should be


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about personality theories?

1 out of 1 points

A young man gets sexual gratification by kissing and caressing women’s shoes. According to Freud, which of the following statements best describes this situation?


1 out of 1 points

Which of these progressions is most consistent with the psychoanalytic theory?


1 out of 1 points

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is the object of sexual instinct?


1 out of 1 points

Freud claimed that pleasure-seeking people with no thought of what is reasonable or proper are dominated by the


1 out of 1 points

The transformation of instinctual drives into socially productive forces such as art, science, and religion is what Freud called


1 out of 1 points

Asking a patient to verbalize thoughts, no matter how absurd, irrelevant, or embarrassing, is the Freudian technique of


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following terms is defined as a Freudian defense mechanism in which unwanted urges are redirected onto other objects or people to disguise the original impulse?


1 out of 1 points

Freud suggested that the latency period was rooted in


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following terms refers to an individual’s need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation?


1 out of 1 points

Freud believed that the id



1 out of 1 points

Freud’s notion of the superego includes


1 out of 1 points

Freud believed that instincts are characterized by all of the following except


1 out of 1 points

In the context of the infantile period, which of the following occurs during the oral-receptive phase of an infant?


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following areas of psychological research have recently joined to provide support for Freud’s theory of unconscious motivation?

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following terms is defined as a defense mechanism that involves the repression of the genital aim of Eros and its substitution by a cultural or social aim?


1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is a characteristic of the id?


1 out of 1 points

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following terms refers to the apprehension one feels while in the presence of a teacher?


1 out of 1 points

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following statements is true about unconscious ideas?


1 out of 1 points

Freud believed that the superego develops from the


1 out of 1 points

According to Freud, the ego’s dependency on the superego results in


1 out of 1 points

According to Freud, dreams have meaning on two levels. The more important level concerns the

1 out of 1 points

The event that eventually led to Freud’s achievement of fame was his


1 out of 1 points

Sigmund Freud saw the resolution of the Oedipus complex as the prototype of


1 out of 1 points

Seeing deficiencies in others that one unconsciously feels within oneself is an example of which Freudian defense mechanism?

1 out of 1 points

_____ is a condition characterized by the reception of sexual pleasure from suffering pain and humiliation inflicted either by the self or by others.

1)   1 of 1 points

Although Alfred Adler’s theory is optimistic, it can be criticized for its


2)  1 of 1 points

According to Alfred Adler, which of the following statements is true about dreams?


3)  1 of 1 points

Vacillating, procrastinating, or behaving compulsively exemplify the Adlerian safeguarding tendency of


4)  1 of 1 points

One of Alfred Adler’s strongest beliefs was in


5)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following assumptions is not part of Alfred Adler’s theory?


6)  1 of 1 points

“I feel upset because I wasn’t nicer to my father while he was still alive. Now, it is too late.” Which of the following safeguarding tendencies is exemplified in this scenario?


7)  1 of 1 points

Although similar to Sigmund Freud’s defense mechanisms, Alfred Adler’s concept of safeguarding tendencies differs in several respects. One difference is that safeguarding tendencies are


8)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler refers to the overemphasis on the importance of being manly as the


9)  1 of 1 points

During the time that Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler were members of the Wednesday Psychological Society,


10)  1 of 1 points

In the context of the striving force as compensation, Alfred Adler believed that the tendency toward completion or wholeness


11)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler believed that behavior and personality are shaped by


12)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following was the effect of World War I on Alfred Adler?


13)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler felt that every individual is striving to reach the same goal of


14)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler believed that there are two general routes by which people strive. One is the path of exaggerated personal superiority and the other is the road of


15)  1 of 1 points

According to Alfred Adler, _____ is the “barometer of normality.”


16)  1 of 1 points

In the context of safeguarding tendencies, _____ is referred to as a tendency to undervalue other people’s achievements and to overvalue one’s own.


17)  1 of 1 points

According to Alfred Adler, which of the following statements is true about children with a neglected style of life?


18)  1 of 1 points

According to Alfred Adler, which of the following statements is true about organ inferiorities?


19)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler would see an individual’s inconsistent behavior as


20)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following statements best expresses Alfred Adler’s concept of humanity?


21)  1 of 1 points

According to Alfred Adler, people with a pampered style of life are characterized by


22)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler borrowed his ideas on fictionalism from


23)  1 of 1 points

Jared develops a tension headache while trying to meet a deadline at work. This tactic allows him to escape responsibility for meeting the deadline and to receive sympathy from his boss and coworkers. According to Alfred Adler, Jared’s headache is an example of


24)  1 of 1 points

Alfred Adler believed that people strive for superiority


25)  1 of 1 points

_____, a form of an aggressive safeguarding device, is the tendency to blame others for one’s failures and to seek revenge, thereby safeguarding one’s own tenuous self-esteem.


26)  1 of 1 points

According to Carl Jung, introversion is basically


27)  1 of 1 points

Carl Jung’s archetype of wisdom and meaning is the


28)  1 of 1 points

The great mother is Carl Jung’s archetype of


29)  1 of 1 points

In the context of Carl Jung’s theory, the process of actualizing the various components of personality best describes


30)  0 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about archetypes?


31)  1 of 1 points

Carl Jung believed that in a woman’s relationships with the men in her life, she is most likely to project her _____ onto those men.


32)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about regression?


33)  1 of 1 points

In the context of the various stages of development, which of the following statements is true about Carl Jung’s idea of the anarchic phase of childhood?


34)  1 of 1 points

Carl Jung called an inclination to act or react in a characteristic direction


35)  1 out of 1 points

According to Carl Jung, the ego is divided into objective and subjective aspects during the _____ phase of childhood.


36)  1 of 1 points

To Carl Jung, the two basic attitudes are


37)  1 of 1 points

Carl Jung developed the _____ technique during his self-analysis and later used it with many of his patients.


38)  1 of 1 points

The first test of one’s courage, according to Carl Jung, is to


39)  1 of 1 points

According to Jungian psychology, religious fanatics swept up in a strongly felt cause are frequently _____ types.


40)  1 of 1 points

According Jungian psychology, a psychologically healthy person has a


41)  1 of 1 points

The major difficulty facing youth is to overcome the natural tendency to cling to the narrow consciousness of childhood, thus avoiding problems pertinent to the present time of life. This desire to live in the past is called


42)  1 of 1 points

According to Carl Jung, which of the following statements is true about the hero archetype?


43)  1 of 1 points

According to Carl Jung, if people’s introversion is conscious, then their


44)  1 of 1 points

Carl Jung called the feminine side of males the


 45)  1 of 1 points

The wizard in the Wizard of Oz symbolizes which Jungian archetype?


46)  1 of 1 points

According to Carl Jung, the achievement of consciousness by our distant ancestors is reflected in the hero’s


47)  1 of 1 points

According to Jungian psychology, a person primarily concerned with external matters such as financial success, competition, and material possessions is


48)  1 of 1 points

Mythical characters such as Achilles and comic book character Superman personify which Jungian archetype?


49)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true about extraverted feeling people?


50)  1 of 1 points

Which of the following is the reason why Sigmund Freud groomed Carl Jung to be his successor?

1.       PSYC 341 Week 3 Quiz


2.       The aim of Kleinian therapy is to


3.       According to Melanie Klein, the two basic positions are


4.       Which of the following statements is true about Melanie Klein’s view of the development of the ego at birth?


5.       According to Melanie Klein, the child’s first model for interpersonal relations is the


6.       Melanie Klein’s notion of the Oedipus complex differs from Freud’s in that it


7.       Melanie Klein’s conception of a “position” is different from “stage of development” in that “positions” are               


8.       In contrast to Freud, Melanie Klein believed that the superego

9.       Melanie Klein assumed that infants come into the world with


10.   Melanie Klein suggested that psychic defense mechanisms


11.   Research by Cindy Hazan and Phil Shaver found that people whose adult love relationships include trust, closeness, and positive emotions had _____ attachment style during early childhood.


12.   An infant remains calm when her mother exits the room, leaving her with a stranger. When the mother returns, the infant ignores her. According to Mary Ainsworth, this infant is displaying the _____ attachment style.


13.   Which of the following is a psychic defense mechanism used by an infant who fantasizes taking into its body those perceptions and experiences that it has had with an external object, originally the mother’s breast?


14.   Heinz Kohut’s narcissistic needs include



15.   John Bowlby’s attachment theory was based on studies of


16.   According to Melanie Klein, which of the following statements is true about the infantile paranoid-schizoid position?


17.   Melanie Klein believed that the male Oedipus complex is resolved mostly when the boy


18.   Which object relations theorist strongly emphasized the process by which the self evolves?


19.   Karen Horney believed that intrapsychic processes originate from


20.   Karen Horney referred to neurotics’ compulsive drive toward actualizing the ideal self as


21.   Tami is proud of her intellectual skills and abilities, and she is pleased when others notice and admire her superior intelligence. According to Karen Horney, these behaviors illustrate a neurotic need for


22.   According to Karen Horney, which of the following defenses used by neurotics against basic anxiety involves developing an independence from others or becoming emotionally detached from them?


23.   Which of the following is a major strength of Karen Horney’s theory?


24.   Karen Horney came to psychoanalysis from


25.   Kip seeks out powerful people to be his friends. Karen Horney would say that Kip’s need for a powerful partner


26.   Some people move toward other people by seeking a powerful partner. Karen Horney referred to this as


27.   Karen Horney contended that needs for affection result in


28.   Karen Horney saw the tendency to humiliate others in order to protect oneself against humiliation as



29.   The strategy of moving away from people to cope with basic anxiety is an expression of the need for


30.   Karen Horney asserted that the primary adverse influence inhibiting a child’s potential for healthy development is


31.   Karen Horney’s theory is built mainly on her writings about


32.   According to Karen Horney, which of the following modes of relating to people helps people combat basic anxiety?


33.   Karen Horney believed that the cultural contradictions of society


34.   Karen Horney criticized Freudian theory on several accounts. Which of these was one of her major criticisms?


35.   According to Erik Erikson, which of the following characterizes adulthood?


36.   According to Erik Erikson, _____ is defined as an extreme lack of self-trust or self-confidence and is expressed as shyness or hesitancy to express oneself.


37.   Erikson believed that some degree of role repudiation is necessary for


38.   According to Erikson, which of the following is not an aspect of the ego?


39.   According to Erikson, the core conflict of the play age is


40.   According to Erikson, the foundation for “cooperative participation in productive adult life” is


41.   According to Erik Erikson, which of the following statements is true of rejectivity?


42.   In the context of psychosocial stages of development, individuals in the _____ stage develop a sense of control over their interpersonal environment, as well as a measure of self-control.



43.   Erikson saw which stage as a time of social latency?


44.   According to Erikson, _____ is a feeling of self-consciousness, of being looked at and exposed.


45.   In his concept of humanity, Erikson


46.   The psychosocial crisis of young adulthood, according to Erikson, is


47.   The informed and detached concern with life itself in the face of death itself is how Erikson defined


48.   Erikson claimed that procreativity encompasses


49.   A feeling of not being certain and that something remains hidden characterizes Erikson’s notion of


50.   According to Erikson, the development of a conscience begins during

1.       PSYC 341 Week 4 Quiz (1)            

2.       Fromm held that our culture’s current feelings of anxiety, isolation, and powerlessness stem from


3.       Fromm regarded his parents as


4.       Fromm contended that people can break the cycle of conformity and powerlessness only by


5.       According to Fromm, which of the following statements is true about a symbiotic relationship?


6.       Fromm believed that humans, as the only animal to possess self-awareness, imagination, and reason, are the


7.       For Fromm, positive freedom consists of


8.       Fromm believed that killing members of one’s species for reasons other than survival is peculiar to humans. He called such killings


9.       According to Fromm, to keep one from going insane, one’s frame of orientation must include


10.   Which of the following factors influenced Fromm’s view of human nature?


11.   For Fromm, the drive for union with another person or other persons reflects the human need of


12.   Fromm believed that healthy people’s survival is dependent on


13.   In the context of nonproductive orientations, which of the following statements is true about hoarding characters?


14.   For Fromm, basic anxiety is a feeling of


15.   Fromm regarded Adolf Hitler as the world’s most conspicuous example of a person suffering from


16.   Lorilee, a college junior, is extremely dependent on her mother to make both major and minor decisions

17.   for her. According to Fromm, Lorilee’s behavior is characterized by.

18.   According to Fromm, which of the following terms is defined as the distinctively human need to develop a feeling of “I”?


19.   According to Erich Fromm, rather than valuing things outside themselves, _____ seek to save that which they have already obtained.


20.   According to Erich Fromm, hoarding people are characterized by a lack of


21.   Fromm believed that authoritarianism takes two forms


22.   Fromm believed that _____ is the successful solution to the human dilemma of being part of the natural world and yet separate from it.


23.   In the context of nonproductive orientations, identify a true statement about exploitative characters.


24.   Fromm held that the twin components of positive freedom are


25.   Fromm asserted that as people gained more economic and political freedom, they felt more


26.   According to Fromm, which of the following statements is true about the existential needs of humans?


27.   Tracy perceives everything that belongs to her as valuable and everything that belongs to others as having little value. Fromm would say Tracy is suffering from


28.   If Maslow is one of the fathers of the third force in psychology, then the first two forces are


29.   Maslow found that self-actualizing people


30.   If deprivation of a need leads to pathology, then Maslow would say that this need is


31.   The needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are _____ needs.


32.   Maslow suggested that people tend to avoid growth and self-fulfillment because of

33.   Maslow claimed that safety needs differ from physiological needs in that they


34.   According to Abraham H. Maslow, the concept of _____ refers to the type of science that lacks emotion, joy, wonder, awe, and rapture.


35.   Which of the following was not used by Maslow as a criterion for self-actualization?


36.   In general, studies using the POI and the Short Index of the POI have found that self-actualizing people usually


37.   As a college student, Maslow experienced which fortuitous event that changed his life?


38.   In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept,


39.   According to Maslow, a person surrounded by beauty and order would ordinarily satisfy


40.   Each ascending step in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs represents


41.   Maslow suggested that self-actualizers and some neurotic and psychotic individuals may have which of the following characteristics in common?


42.   Which of these items on the Personal Orientation Inventory is most likely to be endorsed by a self-actualizing person?


43.   In his concept of humanity, Maslow insisted that people


44.   According to Abraham H. Maslow, higher level needs differ from lower level needs in that higher level needs


45.   Which of the following is not an assumption underlying Maslow’s theory of motivation?


46.   Several studies have found that when people were instructed to “fake good” or “make a favorable impression” when filling out the Personal Orientation Inventory, they scored

47.   In Maslow's hierarchy theory, the most basic needs of any person are

48.   Maslow contended that people who have never received love


49.   During Abraham H. Maslow’s study of self-actualizers, he made the unexpected discovery that many of his people had had _____ that were mystical in nature and that somehow gave them a feeling of transcendence.


50.   Maslow believed that self-actualizers


51.   Maslow classified the needs for law, order, and structure as

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[Solved] PSYC 341 All Quizzes 200+ | Complete Solution

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  • Submitted On 26 Dec, 2020 06:37:04
Answer posted by
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1 out of 1 points A set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses is the definition of scientific theory. 1 out of 1 points The personalities, cognitive processes, developmental histories, and social experiences of personality theorists help shape their theories. The discipline that deals with these factors is called the psychology of science. 1 out of 1 points Part of the internal consistency of a theory is a set of operational definitions. 1 out of 1 p...
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