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ECO 365 Week 3 Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis

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ECO 365 Week 3 Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis


Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large corporation that is considering developing a new proposed product. The marketing director has asked your team to do a competitive market analysis to determine the product’s potential success. The analysis will focus on your primary competitor in the product’s market.

Select a potential competitive organization and a product in that organization.

Write a 1,400 – 1,750-word paper of no more than analyzing the current market conditions. Address the following topics:

• A short history of the organization and a description of their product

• Factors that affect demand, supply, and equilibrium prices in the market in which the competitor organization operates: Define the market for your chosen product, including an analysis of its competitors, potential customers, or potential buyers.

• Any issues or opportunities your organization or industry faces that affect its competitiveness and long-term profitability with regards to your product: This may include, but is not limited, to the following elements.

o Price elasticity of demand
o Technological innovation
o The relationship between the amount of labor & capital employed and the law of diminishing marginal productivity
o Cost structure

• Factors affecting variable costs, including productivity and others that change the supply of and demand for labor

• Factors affecting fixed costs

Make recommendations on how your organization can maximize their profit-making potential, and successfully compete in the new market. Consider the effect your recommendations may have on marginal revenues and costs

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$ 20.00

[Solved] ECO 365 Week 3 Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis

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  • Submitted On 12 Jun, 2015 09:56:43
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
ECO 365 Week 3 Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Instructions Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large corporation that is considering developing a new proposed product. The marketing director has asked your team to do a competitive market analysis to determine the product’s potential success. The analysis will focus on your primary competitor in the product’s market. Select a potential c...
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