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Identify three ways in which organizations such as the National Association for the Edu

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  1. High-quality early childhood care and education is related to many positive outcomes for children. Review pages 169-174 in the course text. Identify three ways in which organizations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and/or the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) work to positively impact quality child care and education. Describe one way that individual early childhood professionals can also work to positively impact the lives of young children and their families.
  2. Schools have a definite role the socialization process. Explain the difference between the concepts of cultural assimilation and cultural pluralism. Why is the concept of bilingual/multicultural education an example of cultural pluralism?
  3. Identify and explain key responsibilities of early childhood classroom teachers with regard to children who have disabilities, the IEP process, and their work in inclusive settings. Explain the role of the early childhood classroom teacher in each of these areas, identifying and explaining examples of the key responsibilities of early childhood educators.
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[Solved] Identify three ways in which organizations such as the National Association for the Edu

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  • Submitted On 02 May, 2018 07:10:09
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